Video Tutorials

Author Alex
Bringing Life To Clothes In ZBrush
A video tutorial about sculpting clothes in ZBrush. As the name of the tutorial, the trailer, the description, and the names of all the chapters shown in the information about this product show – there is no Marvelous Designer stage. This tutorial is about the treatment of the fabrics in ZBrush after the garments were created in MD.
Author Alex
ArtStation Marketplace – Becoming An Expert In Marvelous Designer
A tutorial dedicated to the tools and techniques inside of Marvelous Designer (version 9) | From the UI to sculpting mode, the tutorial captures all the aspects of the program helping you tackle the creation of the garments, finding solutions to problems, and encourages to think outside the box.
Author Alex
Gumroad – YanSculpts – Sculpting & Texturing in Blender for Beginners & 2.8 Update (ENG/RUS)
Sculpting is one of the most artistic and creative skill to have as an artist, allowing you to create characters from your imagination, or from your favorite concept artist.
Author Alex
Learn Squared – Substance Designer with Daniel Thiger
Having trouble with textures? Don’t worry! Learn the ins and outs of Substance Designer, make your own procedural shaders, and have an awesome portfolio piece by the end of the course.
Author Alex
Skillshare – Animate a Professional Looking Jump in Maya. Includes polishing!
This course is designed for beginner animators with understand the basics of the workflow but struggle to give their animation that level of quality and believability typical of professional products.
Author Alex
Gumroad – Substance Studies Tutorial | Graphic Design
In this tutorial I will be recreating some of my favorite graphic designs using Substance Designer. Graphic design has always been a great source of inspiration for me. As a texture artist, having the ability to break down patterns and understand how they are put together is tremendously helpful. In my daily practice session, I often challenge myself by picking a reference and recreating it, so in this tutorial you be joining me as I practice
Author Alex
Levelup Digital – Creating a Royal Crown in Substance Designer
Watch as long time Levelup.Digital collaborator Daniel Thiger creates a photorealistic Crown using Substance Designer. In this tutorial Daniel demonstrates his techniques for achieving intricate details and material definition for metallic ornaments.
Author Alex
ArtStation – Creating a Tie Fighter with Substance Designer
Star Wars has always been is a huge source of inspiration for me. In this tutorial we will be recreating the iconic Tie Fighter using Substance Designer. We’ll walk through various techniques as we create each of the different components. The tutorial is broken down into 12 parts where we focus on one component at a time, building each one from scratch. We start by walking through the geometry we are going be using for this project, as well
Author Alex
XYZ School – OutBlock (RUS)
You will learn the fundamental knowledge of game level design. You will learn about blockouts, metrics, visual language, composition, light, navigation, as well as perception and work with different types of spaces. And that's not all! You will learn the fundamental knowledge of game level design.
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