Video Tutorials

Author Alex
Udemy – Autodesk Inventor 2020-21: Model an engine as a beginner
Hello. In this course we will focus on the basics of Inventor and instead of just looking at different tools, we will partly model an engine and at the same time, we will look at as many tools as possible. That way, you will see and use the tools in action and hopefully, understand the logic of Inventor better with this approach.
Author Alex
KelbyOne – Creating Landscape Composites Advanced Techniques
Composites class with a more advanced look at new features, cool effects, and fun techniques that allow you to unleash whatever you can imagine. From starting with a good foundation to incorporating a range of new elements to replacing the sky and making it all look like a coherent piece, Bret will pique your interest in playing with your landscape images in new and exciting ways using Photoshop.
Author Alex
ArtStation – spider Gwen portrait voice over tutorial
Wanted to do another portrait voice over walk through :3 this time of Spider Gwen ! Really wanted paint her after watching into the spider verse
Author Alex
Patreon – Ian Hubert Tutorials
Patreon – Ian Hubert Tutorials
Author Alex
Udemy – Illustrator 2020-21: Drawing & Reshaping tools MasterClass
Adobe Illustrator offers a variety of Drawing and Reshaping tools that make our lives much easier as designers. BUT oftentimes, only a few of them get the attention and the rest of the tools get ignored.
Author Alex
Udemy – Basics of Engineering Drawing + AutoCAD 2021 (2D+3D) Basics
This is basic for engineering drawing fundaments and the following topics will be covered in this course.
Author Alex
Skillshare – Blender Scripting Series 1.2
Welcome to the second class in our Blender python series. This is where we learn about using python code to control what happens in Blender, automate tasks and create add ons to expand Blenders already incredibly versatile range of tools. In this volume our focus will be on learning about two of the cornerstones of any programming language, variables and for loops. By learning about these topics, we will be able to automate an entire scene using
Author Alex
PROEDU – Advanced Skin Workflow – Photoshop CC – Capture One Pro
Skin is one of the hardest textures to retouch. We all have it, but it varies greatly in tones, age, luminosity, and color. It's easy to overdue and go too far. Tutorial focused equally in Capture One Pro 20 and Photoshop CC 2020.
Author Alex
Skillshare – Learn 3D Fashion Design – Learn To Design, Animate and Render from The Comfort Of Your Home
You will learn how to navigate the 3D fashion interface of the amazing Marvelous Designer, you will take a tour of its tools and learn to use the main goodies it offers. In addition, you will learn to load in your 3D model to Marvelous Designer.
Author Alex
Skillshare – Intro to Game Dev Tools & Editor Scripting with C# & Unity3D
Do you want to streamline your workflow and increase productivity? Are you ready to land your first developer role? By the end of this course, you will be able to CREATE, PACKAGE, and SELL tools, making you a commodity among developers.
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