Create a simple cinematic in Blender [SHORT FILM]

Author Alex
1 622
Create a simple cinematic in Blender [SHORT FILM]

Skillshare - Create a simple cinematic in Blender [SHORT FILM].

This is an introduction to the world of cinematic short films in 3D Blender.

This tutorial teaches the whole process of cinematic scene production, a simple short film very fit for beginners to give you an introduction to the world of cinematic building.

In this course I'll teach you everything you need to know to create cinematic animations in Blender. We gonna start looking at some reference photos and get an idea about what we want to build together. Then it is time to actual start working on this and we gonna get going with the modeling part. Here we gonna have the modeling lessons divided in two separate lessons. In the first one we gonna model and sculpt the wall, window, table, bottles, candle, plates. In part two we will be focusing on modeling the wind chimes and the book. After that we will bring our focus to the level design and creating the curtains. In the next section all our focus will be on lighting the scene and creating the force of the wind also animating the scene.
Next, texturing will be our main priority. This is divided in two parts where texturing the curtains and the book is gonna be in the center of our attention and in the second part we will texture everything else we have in the scene. After that we will be creating the outside world adding trees and fog to create an mysterious and atmospheric environment. We will set up the camera and animate the camera. And at the end I will show you how you can render this animation and make it look even better.

This course if for you if you want to dive in creating a simple cinematic. This is an introduction to the world of filmmaking in 3D Blender.

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  1. CY Chang
    camel2k2023 February 27 12:54
    Dear Sonya,
    File was deleted or not found,please fix.
    Thanks a lot
    Best Regards
    CY Chang
    1. Sonya2023 March 2 17:25
      All fixed
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