Cinematic look with Blender 3.0 - 8+ hours MASTER tutorial

Author Alex
2 328
Cinematic look with Blender 3.0 - 8+ hours MASTER tutorial

Udemy - Cinematic look with Blender 3.0 - 8 hours MASTER tutorial.

Three tutorials in one

What you'll learn
You will learn how to model in Blender
You will learn how to create more complex textures in Blender
You will learn how to create a scene, set up a camera and lighting
You will learn the basics of animation in Blender
You will be taught how to do post-processing in Blender and After Effects
You will be taught how to achieve a cinematic look

It's good to have a little experience with Blender

Learn how to make a realistic and cinematic scene in Blender in three separate courses for the price of one. Each course lasts about 3 hours, learn how to model in Blender, how to create realistic materials, and set up lighting. You can also learn something about animation in Blender. Finally, we will do post-processing in Blender Composer and After Effects.

TUTORIAL 1 - Old Apple Macintosh Cinematic Look Tutorial - 2 Hours 40 Min

Part 1 - Old Apple - Modeling Macintosh SE 30 - 36min
- Import and modeling with blueprints
- Learning modeling techniques in Blender
- Learning shortcuts in Blender

Part 2 - Old Apple computer - Keyboard and mouse modeling - 32 min
- Learning modeling techniques in Blender
- Learning shortcuts in Blender
- Modeling Apple Macintosh SE 30 keyboard and mouse

Part 3 - Old Apple - Texturing screen and computer - 36 min

- Learn to texture in Blender
- Create advance screen material
- Create material with 3 levels of bump
- Create complex material with lots of imperfections

Part 4 - Old Apple - Finish texturing and adding details - 28 min

- Continue texturing and adding details

Part 5 - Old Apple - Lighting, Compositing, After Effects post-processing - 16 min

- Lighting in Blender
- Camera setup
- Post-processing in After Effects

TUTORIAL 2 - Cinematic Look With Blender 3.0 - Step By Step Tutorial, 2h 50 Min

PART 1 - 28 min

- Setting the scene
- Import reference images
- Modeling shells using subdivision surface and proportional editing
- Create shell material and UV project

PART 2 - 21 min

- Modeling another shell
- Learning shortcuts keys and modeling process

PART 3 - 20 min

- Modeling cutting board
- Placing camera
- Camera setup, depth and field
- Placing shells and working on composition
- Lighting

PART 4 - 22 min

- Creating details (salt, parsley, sprigs of rosemary)
- Creating tablecloth material

PART 5 - 25 min

- Creating bokeh in the background
- Creating more details in the background

PART 6 - 24 min

- Creating animated fire in the background
- Creating fireplace in background
- Compositing in Blender
- Create vignette effect with objects

PART 7 - 26 min

- Exporting passes from Blender
- After Effects post-processing

TUTORIAL 3 - Creating A Movie Scene In Blender - 3 Hours Tutorial

PART 1 - CG scene created in Blender and After Effects - 33 min

- work with reference images
- creating and setting up a blender file
- electrical outlet modeling - blender shortcuts

PART 2 - Modeling Ethernet cable - 39 min

- modeling Ethernet cable
- blender shortcuts - blender modifiers

PART 3 - Ethernet cable scene - Modeling outlet - 34 min

- create materials in Blender
- blender nodes - lighting in Blender - camera setup

PART 4 - Texturing - 24 min

- Import shaders in Blender
- nodes and materials - creating a spider web in a Blender

PART 5 - Compositing and animating in Blender - 25 min

- compositing in Blender
- animating in Blender - shape Keys

PART 6 - After Effects post-processing - 27 min

- post-processing in After Effects

Who this course is for
People who love 3d and who are interested in how to achieve realism or a cinematic look

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  1. CY Chang
    camel2k2023 February 25 16:57
    Dear Sonya,
    File was deleted or not found,please fix.
    Thanks a lot
    Best Regards
    CY Chang
  2. CY Chang
    camel2k2023 February 28 18:20
    Dear Sonya,
    There is no reply since you've changed to
    Where should I ask to solve this issue again?
    Thanks a lot
    Best Regards
    CY Chang
    1. Sonya2023 March 1 20:15
      All fixed
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