Interior Design: From 3Ds Max To Twinmotion

Author Alex
1 116
Interior Design: From 3Ds Max To Twinmotion

Udemy - Interior Design: From 3Ds Max To Twinmotion.

How to create realistic interior animation in one hour, from 3ds max to Twinmotion.

What you'll learn
Scene setup and export from 3ds max.
Light and Camera Settings in Twinmotion.
Materials Creation in Twinmotion.
Scene Composition in Twinmotion.
Static and Animated Render in Twinmotion.
Twinmotion 2020.2 and higher.
Topics: in this course we will study how to create a 20 seconds animation in 4K with a few steps from 3ds max to Twinmotion, in just one hour you will be able to set all the necessary aspects and create an interior animation in just 7 minutes complete with everything you need.In detail: preparation of the scene in 3dsmax and Vray; export of the scene in Twinmotion; creation of the lighting, framing; creation of all necessary materials and tools, creation of static and animated render.The course is suitable for users from other programs, the lessons dedicated to 3ds max are the first three, once the file has been exported to fbx, the rest of the course is carried out internally in Twinmotion.This course is suitable for users who need an excellent result without spending hours and hours of study between settings of material lights and rendering management in this sense Twinmotion is phenomenal, it has a synthesis and path so easy to perform that it will amaze you.Forget about the settings of the classic render engines, but also forget the render times of the render engines easier to use, because Twinmotion is also this ... it is render in real time; it will be very difficult to find speeds of this type in other realities other than the Epic Company which distributes solutions in real time.Attached to the lessons are available Twinmotion 2020.2 compatible exercise files and higher.Note: Exercise files are attached to the lesson: "004_Localization"


Section 1: From 3ds max to Twinmotion

Lecture 1 001_Course presentation

Lecture 2 002_Prepare the Scene in 3ds max

Lecture 3 003_Import the scene into Twinmotion

Section 2: Location, lighting and Camera.

Lecture 4 004_Location

Lecture 5 005_lighting

Lecture 6 006_Camera

Section 3: Interior Materials.

Lecture 7 007_Carpet

Lecture 8 008_Wood Floor

Lecture 9 009_Walls and Ceiling

Lecture 10 010_Bed Materials

Lecture 11 011_The Curtain

Lecture 12 012_Plants and Pots

Lecture 13 013_Bedside Tables

Lecture 14 014_Materials, Lights and Omni

Section 4: Accessories and Final Render.

Lecture 15 015_Accessories

Lecture 16 016_Static Rendering

Lecture 17 017_Final Animation

3D Artist, Designer, Students, Teachers, Architects, Surveyors.

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