Author Alex
Gumroad – Sci-Fi Spider-Man Tutorial – Includes Free 3D Print Ready Model!
I'll show you how to create a Spider-Man Sci-Fi design from start to finish, you can watch the You-Tube video for a detailed break down of the tutorial.
Author Alex
Game Art Institute – Character Creation For Games with Adam Skutt (Final)
In this course you’ll learn how to create a 3D model for film or games from Adam Skutt, Senior Character Artist at Epic Games.
Author Alex
Luxion KeyShot Pro v9.3.14 for Mac
Luxion KeyShot Pro v9.3.14 for Mac | KeyShot 9 brings you unbound creative capability to help you realize your ideas faster. Built around the view of KeyShot users that KeyShot is the hub for all their visualization needs, KeyShot 9 brings unmatched ease, simplicity, and accessibility for complete creative freedom and a level of visual agility that allows you to explore your design at the speed of thought.
Author Alex
Gumroad – KeyShot 9 New Feature Scenes
In this course, Magnus Skogsfjord and Esben Oxholm takes you through the most exciting features of KeyShot 9, including the fuzz geometry node, the RealCloth shader, the generic material, the custom animation ease curves and more. They’ll teach you how to use these features through a bunch of hands-on practical video tutorials that will equip you with the needed knowledge to work with the features in your own projects. Each video comes with all
Author Alex
Luxion KeyShot Pro v9.2.86 Win x64
Luxion KeyShot Pro v9.2.86 Win x64 | The Best 3D Rendering Software to Create Amazing Visuals. KeyShot is everything you need to create amazing visuals fast. The real-time 3D rendering workflow displays results instantly and reduces the time it takes to create realistic product shots. From scientifically accurate material and environment presets to advanced material editing and animation, creating interactive product visuals or sales and
Author Alex
Luxion KeyShot 9 Plugin v1.4 for NX Win x64
Luxion KeyShot 9 Plugin v1.4 for NX Win x64 | KeyShot 9 brings you unbound creative capability to help you realize your ideas faster. Built around the view of KeyShot users that KeyShot is the hub for all their visualization needs, KeyShot 9 brings unmatched ease, simplicity, and accessibility for complete creative freedom and a level of visual agility that allows you to explore your design at the speed of thought.
Author Alex
Luxion KeyShot Pro v9.1.98 Win x64
Luxion KeyShot Pro v9.1.98 Win x64 | The Best 3D Rendering Software to Create Amazing Visuals. KeyShot is everything you need to create amazing visuals fast. The real-time 3D rendering workflow displays results instantly and reduces the time it takes to create realistic product shots. From scientifically accurate material and environment presets to advanced material editing and animation, creating interactive product visuals or sales and
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