CRC Press – Real-Time Rendering, Fourth Edition

Author Sonya
4 540
CRC Press – Real-Time Rendering, Fourth Edition

CRC Press – Real-Time Rendering, Fourth Edition – download book in PDF

Thoroughly updated, this fourth edition focuses on modern techniques used to generate synthetic three-dimensional images in a fraction of a second. With the advent of programmable shaders, a wide variety of new algorithms have arisen and evolved over the past few years. This edition discusses current, practical rendering methods used in games and other applications. It also presents a solid theoretical framework and relevant mathematics for the field of interactive computer graphics, all in an approachable style. New to this edition: new chapter on VR and AR as well as expanded coverage of Visual Appearance, Advanced Shading, Global Illumination, and Curves and Curved Surfaces.

ENG | 2018 | pages 1198 | PDF | 910 MB

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  1. Fran2018 August 17 12:39
    Please, there is an error when try to unrar the files. How do i can to do. thanks.
    1. Sonya2018 August 17 12:51
      You need winRar 5.5 or above for unpack
      1. Fran2018 August 17 16:58
        Hi Sonya, thanks a lot, you are right, is fantastic, thanks.
  2. developergf2018 August 18 03:21
    the download speed is only 30kb/s, can you put these files on a fast disk for download?

    i try many times, but can not download a file

    please help

    thanls Sonya
    1. Sonya2018 August 18 08:47
      Are you using free or premium mode?
      1. wowdd12018 August 18 08:59
        i am using free mode, and now i use for download, speed is a liitle fast now, but still not very fast
        1. Sonya2018 August 18 09:08
          Maybe you should think about buying a premium account? ;) You can download without limits at maximum speed.
  3. developergf2018 August 18 13:33
    there is a error:

    Could not extract the file "Real-Time Rendering, Fouth Edition/B07FSKB982 EBOK - UnKnown.pdf" from the archive "Real-Time+Rendering_+Fourth+Edition.part4.rar": Error on decrunching

    i use the unarchiver on mac
    1. Sonya2018 August 18 13:34
      It was packed WinRar 5.5 for Windows. try to find Mac analog.
  4. developergf2018 August 18 22:14
    Quote: Sonya
    It was packed WinRar 5.5 for Windows. try to find Mac analog.

    after redownload the part1.rar through “”, there is no error, i can read the book right now, thanks for this very valueable resource, this is a amazing website, thanks
  5. opgglp2018 August 23 04:46
    why connection always be closed?
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