Packt – Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook – Third Edition

Author Alex
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Packt – Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook – Third Edition

Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook – Third Edition – download book in PDF

Bring realism to your games by mastering post-processing effects and advanced shading techniques in Unity 2018.

-Book Description-

Since their introduction to Unity, shaders have been seen as notoriously difficult to understand and implement in games. Complex mathematics has always stood in the way of creating your own shaders and attaining the level of realism you crave.

Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook changes that by giving you a recipe-based guide to creating shaders using Unity. It will show you everything you need to know about vectors, how lighting is constructed with them, and how textures are used to create complex effects without the heavy math.

This book starts by teaching you how to use shaders without writing code with the post-processing stack. Then, you’ll learn how to write shaders from scratch, build up essential lighting, and finish by creating stunning screen effects just like those in high-quality 3D and mobile games. You'll discover techniques, such as normal mapping, image-based lighting, and animating your models inside a shader. We'll explore how to use physically based rendering to treat light the way it behaves in the real world. At the end, we’ll even look at Unity 2018’s new Shader Graph system.

With this book, what seems like a dark art today will be second nature by tomorrow.

-What You Will Learn-

Understand physically based rendering to fit the aesthetic of your game

Write shaders from scratch in ShaderLab and HLSL/Cg

Combine shader programming with interactive scripts to add life to your materials

Design efficient shaders for mobile platforms without sacrificing their realism

Use state-of-the-art techniques, such as volumetric explosions and fur shading

Master the math and algorithms behind the most used lighting models

Understand how shader models have evolved and how you can create your own

PDF | ENG | pages 384 | Code Files | 266 MB

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  1. xcalliber
    dxcalliber2020 September 21 21:08
    Hi Sonya, Please Fix the link, its showing File was deleted...
    1. Sonya2020 September 23 18:34
      Sorry for late - fixed
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