Game Development Tutorials

Author Alex
The Gnomon Workshop – Cinematic Lighting in Unreal Engine 5
The Gnomon Workshop – Cinematic Lighting in Unreal Engine 5 Format: MP4 HD 1920x1080 | ENG | Duration: 132 Minutes This advanced 2-hour workshop covers the Unreal Engine 5 lighting workflows that Naughty Dog Lighting Artist, Ted Mebratu, uses to achieve cinematic results. Unreal’s Lumen is a very powerful Global Illumination system. However, when comparing it to static/baked methods, it can take some of the artistic control that Lightmaps make
Author Alex
Wingfox – Game Animation Masterclass From 0 to 100 with Zhengting Li
Wingfox – Game Animation Masterclass From 0 to 100 with Zhengting Li (2022) This tutorial will use multiple cases to mainly explains the ways of animation production, including basic process and logic of animation production, and types of animation such as poses, walking, standby, fight and character interaction. This is a systematic tutorial, which can be divided into junior, intermediate and advanced level, and contains cases of male, female,
Author Alex
Udemy – Flame & Flutter with Dart : Build your First 2D Mobile Game
Game Development from ground up. Learn to design and code a 2D Mobile Game, using full Architectural approach with UML What you'll learn Use Flutter and Dart to write a complete 2D Game on top of the Flame Engine. No prior experience necessary. Develop a complete 2D Mobile Game. Code from scratch, a game based on the famous retro-game from ATARI: Asteroids. Learn collision detection, particle physics, frame independent motion, parallax, sound
Author Alex
Udemy – Unreal Engine 5: Create and Publish a 3D Action Mobile Game
Create an action combat framework from scratch for mobile in Unreal Engine 5 and Publish it on GooglePlay Store! What you'll learn Create a sekiro-like melee combat system from scratch for PC/Mobile Create advanced AI with structured behavior logics Optimization for mobile game with unreal engine 5 Publish your mobile game on GooglePlay Store Requirements Know unreal engine blueprint basics Description If you're interested in creating a
Author Alex
Udemy – Make Arcade Vehicle System in Unreal Engine C++ (Production)
We will learn how to make Arcade vehicle system from Scratch which is more optimized and light weight What you'll learn How to go from having a game idea with zero code, all the way up to final implementation Coding standards and best practices Mathematical magic for solving many common coding problems Complex vector mathematics for working effectively in a 3D game world Understanding the Unreal Engine object framework for creating professional
Author Alex
Wingfox – Look Dev for Real Time Cinematic using Unreal Engine 4
Wingfox – Look Dev for Real Time Cinematic using Unreal Engine 4. This tutorial is mainly focused on look devlopmentusing UE4 the course is divided into three parts: Texturing Materials Lighting Inro Trailer(3m 20s) Chapter 1 Texturing 1.Baking(19m 37s) 2.Texturing_part01(29m 54s) 3.Texturing_part02(26m 4s) 4.Texturing_part03(19m 26s) Chapter 2 Materials 5.Meterail-1(26m 23s) 6.Material Functions-1(21m 59s) 7.Height Blending(45m 26s)
Author Alex
The Gnomon Workshop – Creating a Sci-Fi Hallway in Unreal Engine 5
The Gnomon Workshop – Creating a Sci-Fi Hallway in Unreal Engine 5 In this 3.5-hour workshop, Dominique Buttiens teaches modern texturing techniques inside Unreal Engine 5 and demonstrates how to create shaders with speed, quality, and efficiency. This workshop details the entire creation process of a sci-fi hallway, including the initial concepting and modeling in Blender, all the way through to the final lighting setup and visual development
Author Alex
Udemy – UnrealEngine5 C++ One Course Solution For Extending Editor
Create custom editor functionalities in Unreal Engine 5 through different editor modules and slate widgets using C++ What you'll learn Extend the existing editor menus through different modules Explore the existing editor scripting libraries like EditorAssetLibrary and EditorUtilityLibrary Write slate code to build slate widgets for custom editor functionalities Create a custom editor tab for displaying slate widgets Create materials and connect
Author Alex
Udemy – The Ultimate 2D & 3D Shader Graph VFX Unity Course
Learn the foundations of Unity's Shader Graph and proceed with confidence from beginner to intermediate level. What you'll learn Understanding Built-in, URP and HDRP render pipelines Understanding Shaders and Shader Graph Create 2D Shader Graphs in Unity Create 3D Shader Graphs in Unity Learn Real-Time VFX Requirements Unity : Basics. Blender : Basics. Photoshop : Basics. Description Hello everyone, I’m Ramez Al Tabbaa, the developer of the
Author Alex
Experience Points – Composition in Game Worlds by Karen Stanley
Experience Points – Composition in Game Worlds by Karen Stanley. Game worlds are a result of multiple departments working together on the same goal and ensuring that the end product is visually appealing, informative and fun can be difficult. Understanding how composition works in game worlds and not only an image is extremely important and in this tutorial Karen Stanley, will explain why composition is so vital, how to correctly use it and even
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