Class 2: Sketch like a Pro Car Designer

Author Alex
Class 2: Sketch like a Pro Car Designer

Skillshare - Class 2: Sketch like a Pro Car Designer

If you already have foundation knowledge of sketching and designing cars or if you have just completed watching my previous class then this class will be your next step to producing some professional quality sketches!

You'll discover tips and tricks that you can apply to your work right away, discover key building steps to construct a sketch with correct proportions and some golden nugget tips that will put the cherry on top of the cake to make your sketches look captivating and vibrant that will look great as part of your portfolio or to surprise your friends and family!

In this class you will learn:

How to construct car body volumes in correct proportions
How to sketch in correct perspectives
How to 'build a sketch' in Front 3/4, Rear 3/4 and Side views
How to make a sketch look professional
How to finish a sketch

You will be sketching in this class! so get ready to test yourself, be prepared to correct mistakes and get comfortable being uncomfortable because thats the only way you will surprise yourself and develop.

Whether you are new to sketching cars or a seasoned pro looking for tips, this class will reveal some of the great tips that have been passed onto me by my mentors in Italy and some I have discovered through hours of throwing scrunched up sketches in the bin and starting over and over again until I ended up with a series of methods in my head that I could apply to my work that I will hopefully show you well enough throughout this class

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  1. loco82022 November 13 04:24
    Hey dude!
    Could you reload Sketch like a Pro Car Designer.rar in "" again?
    The link is broken.:)
    1. Sonya2022 November 13 12:19
      Fixed - try now
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