Super Human Anatomy course

Author Alex
2 669
Super Human Anatomy course

Udemy - Super Human Anatomy course by Nikolay Naydenov

So you wanna learn how to make bulky human beings with lots of muscles and scary physicque?

Yeah, this course will teach you that.

You want to be able to draw or sculpt Conan the Barbarian, Superman, Wolverine, or any of your favourites superhero, or even invent new one?

Yeah, this course will help you with that too.

Or you just want to improve your human body and face anatomy skills to be a better character artist?

And again Yes! This course will definitely help you improve your anatomy skills!

I welcome you to Super Human Anatomy course. My name is Niko, and i will be your host for this course. I am a 3D character artist and tutor, i have a youtube channel with over 30k subscribers with anatomy and sculpting as a main topic. I work in the game indsutry since 2007 and i am pretty passionate about teaching young artists the skills i developed over the years.

In this course i will teach you human anatomy (obviously). But it will include face anatomy, and also lots of beginner mistakes i have seen in my years of teaching. We even will be making a feedback on a beginner body sculpt by one of my students.

I have chosen Zbrush as a program to do this course, because in 3D we are able to see and understand the forms of the muscles the best. I also will do lots of drawing over my model and over real photographs and scans.

We will start the course by drawing over the skeleton in Photoshop where i will show you how i approach the forms of the whole human body when drawing. Then we will start the head in Zbrush over the skull, and we will learn a lot of things about shapes of the head, muscles, fat pads and commontly made mistakes. Then we will start the body and go trought the upper torso, the back, the abdominal part. I will draw over the model, and also over some photos of muscular people, to best explain the muscles and their forms.

We will do the same with arms, hands, legs and feet until we have a whole body ready. Then we will polish and detail it a little, before we go trough painting the skin. I will explain the basics of painting skin, where to put what colors and why.

With that, the anatomy portion of the course will be completed. Next will be the bonus section, where we will have fun making fists from open hand, anatomy of the fist, and anatomy of the bent arm too. With that we will make two poses, and chose one of them to make the most super of all superheroes - Superman. This is a Super Human Anatomy after all! .I will make his suit, the cape, boots, and of course his famous over panties.

This course is for all people who wants to improve their anatomy knowledge, either in drawing or sculpting. You can follow the course with pen and paper, Photoshop or even Blender. The topic is anatomy, so Zbrush is just the tool to best present it. Also if you are serious about anatomy, don't forget to check out Anatomy for sculptors book which is definitely the best anatomy book out there.

And now, let's take your anatomy knowledge to the next level!

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