Gumroad – Trent's Box Set of Tutorials Vol. 4

Author Alex
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Gumroad – Trent's Box Set of Tutorials Vol. 4

Gumroad – Trent's Box Set of Tutorials Vol. 4

This collection of videos includes unedited process videos, unreleased videos on sensitive topics like "how much money you should be making as an artist", and step by step process videos to show you the cheats that pros use to create concept art work twice as fast and keep the work flowing in!

OVER 90+ hours of video! My biggest collection of tutorials yet!

ALSO INCLUDES "Legendary Photoshop Cheats" Collection and

Easy Art Lessons 1-10!

Includes Patternoir sketchbook Pro brushes!

This Box set will collect every video I produce throughout 2018 and contains extended, unedited 1-3 hour versions of several videos unavailable anywhere else. It's also the largest box set of Tutorials I've ever done!

I've also tried to include exclusives, deleted or alternate commentaries, tips for pursuing art as a career, and bonus wallpapers that won't be found anywhere else.

Note: Downloads have been disabled due to piracy issues.

-Essential photoshop brushes

-Essential Sketchbook Pro brushes (Dominaire)

-How to paint out line art in sketchbook pro + painting tips

-Pencil Drawing Basics - lesson 1 - lighting spheres

-Digital Art Workouts - #1 - Lighting spheres

-Digital Art Workouts - #2 - Material spheres

-Photoshop Cheats - symmetry drawing tool

-Narwhale Airship (1.5 hour video + 10 minute commentary)

-Cyborg bounty hunter samurai (1.5 hour video + 15 minute commentary)

-Penguin Party baby! (1.5 hour video + 10 minute commentary)

-Artist Paintover BinOfTrash : The Fallen Knight (45 minute commentary/breakdown)

-What does a Concept artist do!? (21 minute commentary)

-Pepperony's revenge (3 minute time lapse + 1.5 hour uncut video)

-Looty Joyride (minecart) (3 minute time lapse + 2 hour uncut video)

-CannonBaller Dukane (Live Stream capture 5 hours + 7 minute commentary)

-Dukaine Character sheet (real time 2 hours)

-Looty Bartender (Real time 2 hours)

-Lao SHays Booty (2 hours)

-Travelers Spiral Path unused cover ( 3 hour video + 17 min commentary)

-Tyrus Rechs cover #1 (1.5 hour video + 10 minute commentary)

-Tyrus Rechs cover #2 (1.5 hour video + 10 minute commentary)

-Do I need to go to art school to be an artist (20 minute video)

-Cannonballers environment painting (2 hour video)

-How to Draw CreeD (real time on paper 10 minutes)

-How to Draw Ghost Rider (real time on paper 20 minutes)

-Warcraft Travelers Mikasa sketch (2.5 hour + 10 min commentary)

-Warcraft Travelers Hackle sketch (1 Hour + 5 min commentary )

-Warcraft Travelers Karrga sketch (1.5 hour video + 3 min commentary)

-Easy Art Lessons 1-10 (4 hour focused step by step "basics of drawing" workshop)

Easy Art Lessons Bonus lesson - Common perspective mistakes

-Old man pikachu real time + commentary

-Mao tenza on paper real time

-Creed and cj on paper real time and commentary

-How to import brushes to sketchbook pro

-Thanos on paper - real time and commentary videos

-Mao Tenza profile sketch.

-Mech Design Tips for Concept Artists - designing the Hurk Real time + Commentary

-Using the Text Tool in photoshop for logos and text

-CreeD in sketchbook Pro

-Tips for launching an indie comic

-Legendary Photoshop Cheats - Custom Tree Brushes

-Legendary Photoshop Cheats - Sketching with photos

-Legendary Photoshop Cheats - Dodge and Burn layers

-Legendary Photoshop Cheats - Symmetry and Glow

-Legendary Photoshop Cheats - Mixer Brush and Texture re-use

-Legendary Photoshop Cheats - Overlay Texture and stamper

-Legendary Photoshop Cheats - Selections and texture brushes

-Legendary Photoshop Cheats - Chisel Mixer Brush Textures

-Legendary Photoshop Cheats - Outer glow layer effect

-Legendary Photoshop Cheats - Color Variants

-Legendary Photoshop Cheats - Liquify and Gradient Maps

-Nick Cole interview - secrets of a successful indie author

- Banjo Kazooie tribute painting (1 hour vid + 7 min commentary)

-Iggy Ikeda Illustration wallpaper art (30 min vid + 7 min commentary)

-TCC #12

-TCC #15 - When to give up on your concept art dream?

-Wrath of the Lich King Concept Art Tour (1 hour commentary video)

-TCC #16 - How much money does a freelance concept artist make?

-Draw with Trent #1 - Iggy Run cycle 1 hour

-Draw with Trent #2 - iggy Run Cycle 1 hour

-Iggy Character design sheet Ikeda Design Works 1 hour + commentary vid

-Magnus Character Design Ikeda Design Works 1 hour video

-Is Art style hurting your portfolio?

-MagicMouse Speed 1.5X illustration

-DragonTamer Speed 1.5 illustration

-Secrets of Kung Fulio Commentary and 2 hour video

-Snow Trooper Character design 1 hour illustration

-What size canvas should you draw at (beginners)

-Working as a Blizzard concept artist - Diablo 3

-animating in photoshop 2 - Creating the Magnus Idle (detailed tutorial on tweeting and frames)

- Do you need art school to be a pro concept artist?

- Can't afford art school? Self Taught artist tips

- How to be a more employable concept artist

- is art style hurting your portfolio?

- Creating a pause screen for indie games Game Maker studio and photoshop

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