CreativeLIVE – Get The Most Out of Your Photos with Capture One Pro 10 by David Grover

Author Alex
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CreativeLIVE – Get The Most Out of Your Photos with Capture One Pro 10 by David Grover

Get The Most Out of Your Photos with Capture One Pro 10 by David Grover

This is a good overview of Capture One 10. The course is well structured and presented logically and progressively with clear and concise examples. The software is intricate and the amount of details presented will benefit from a second or third viewing, along with sufficient practice. David is an excellent teacher, slow enough to follow, fast enough to keep the listener's interest. I would agree with a previous reviewer that the shooting session was uninspired but the tethered demo was thoroughly useful nevertheless for someone to become an assistant, for instance. If you have ever used LR in this role, you will appreciate the power and stability of C1 for tethering. With regards to the comment about this class being non-creative; before you can run you have to walk and this course is all about understanding how to operate the software not about what you eventually want to do with it. Capture One is well designed, speedy and its homogeneous interface makes it easy to get to a result once you have a good knowledge of its layout and principles, compared for example with LR which is all over the place with modes, inconsistent and slow operations. Likewise, the C1 color editor is miles ahead of LR color functions, in simplicity and overall efficiency. This class is about mechanics for a reason; creativity is a parallel stream. It would have been beneficial to have a module highlighting major differences with LR for people migrating to Capture One as the word on the street is that C1 is hard. I would suggest to listen in to convince yourself of the contrary. All in all, I recommend this class; it is time well invested if you want to become more comfortable with Capture One and discover its potential.

MP4 1280x720 | 8h 40m | ENG | Project Files | 5.3 GB

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  1. Talat H
    talathussainkhan2018 October 4 07:19
    Please re-upload this, the links are dead.
    1. Sonya2018 October 4 16:16
      Fixed, try to download now.
  2. Talat H
    talathussainkhan2018 October 15 11:11
    Thanks so much Sonya!
  3. AlSlavin2019 February 15 16:32
    Hi, many thanks for sharing.
    Unfortunatly this tutoeial is not complete. The lesson 40 is absent. Cuold u please upload it separatly to hitfile?
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