Author Alex
Golaem Crowd v8.2 for Maya / Houdini / Katana / Unreal Engine Win
Golaem Crowd v8.2 for Maya / Houdini / Katana / Unreal Engine Win Golaem makes it easy and affordable to populate worlds with directable digital characters, from a few to thousands. Artists from all over the globe use Golaem to bring life to commercials, episodic productions, feature films and games. GORAEM CROWD 8.2 1. -Install Golaem 2. -Extract the rlm .rar and copy rlm folder on your C DRIVE (in the root directory, not in any folder) 3. -
Author Alex
Lentil v2.0.1 (2022/01/30) for Arnold
Lentil is an advanced camera toolkit for the Arnold renderer. It is a set of shaders that extends creative control and physical correctness, while significantly reducing the time (in tough cases up to 30x) needed to render bokeh through bidirectional sampling of camera rays.
Author Alex
SolidAngle – Arnold to 3ds Max Cinema 4D/Houdini/Maya/Katana (Win/Mac/Lnx) Jan 2021
Arnold is an advanced Monte Carlo ray tracing renderer built for the demands of feature-length animation and visual effects. Originally co-developed with Sony Pictures Imageworks and now their main renderer, Arnold is used at over 300 studios worldwide including ILM, Framestore, MPC, The Mill and Digic Pictures.
Author Alex
Toolchefs Atoms Crowd v3.8.1 for Maya/Katana/Houdini/Clarisse
Atoms Crowd makes crowd animation available to anyone. You don’t need any particular skill set to layout your crowd shots and simulate them. You don’t believe it, do you? Wait and see!
Author Alex
Tool Chefs Atoms Crowd v3.6.0 for Maya, Houdini, Clarisse & Katana
Tool Chefs Atoms Crowd v3.6.0 for Maya, Houdini, Clarisse & Katana | Atoms Crowd makes crowd animation available to anyone. You don’t need any particular skill set to layout your crowd shots and simulate them. You don’t believe it, do you? Wait and see!
Author Alex
SolidAngle – Arnold to 3ds Max/Cinema 4D/Houdini/Maya/Katana (Win/Mac/Lnx) August 2020
SolidAngle – Arnold to 3ds Max/Cinema 4D/Houdini/Maya/Katana (Win/Mac/Lnx) August 2020 | Arnold is an advanced Monte Carlo ray tracing renderer built for the demands of feature-length animation and visual effects. Originally co-developed with Sony Pictures Imageworks and now their main renderer, Arnold is used at over 300 studios worldwide including ILM, Framestore, MPC, The Mill and Digic Pictures. Arnold was the primary renderer on dozens of
Author Alex
Redshift v3.0.16 Win x64
Redshift v3.0.16 Win x64 | Redshift is a powerful GPU-accelerated renderer, built to meet the specific demands of contemporary high-end production rendering. Tailored to support creative individuals and studios of every size, Redshift offers a suite of powerful features and integrates with industry standard CG applications.
Author Alex
Tool Chefs Atoms Crowd v3.3.0 for Maya, Katana, Houdini and Clarisse (Win/Linux)
Tool Chefs Atoms Crowd v3.3.0 for Maya, Katana, Houdini and Clarisse (Win/Linux) | Atoms Crowd supports characters with any number of legs! There?s no difference between two, four, eight, twelve legs! Atoms will simulate any kind of skeleton!
Author Alex
Tool Chefs Atoms Crowd v3.2.3 for Maya, Katana, Houdini & Clarisse (Win/Linux)
Tool Chefs Atoms Crowd v3.2.3 for Maya, Katana, Houdini & Clarisse (Win/Linux)
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