Author Alex
FXPHD – SIL101 – Introduction to Silhouette and Roto
In this course, you will learn everything from spline types to manual roto to fully automated workflows, showcasing Silhouette, the industry-standard software for rotoscoping, and its comprehensive roto module. In addition, the Mocha Pro plug-in will be incorporated to demonstrate its beneficial tools available to artists.
Author Alex
FXPHD – FLM104 – Introduction to Flame – Part 2
Picking up from the first part of this two-part series, this course delves even deeper into the visual effects capabilities of Flame. From working on original footage to creating something entirely from scratch, many aspects of the software will be covered to provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge and tips. This course also takes an in-depth look at Flame's newest addition to its toolset: the grading environment called the Effects Tab
Author Alex
FXPHD – VFX307 – Advanced Environments – Juggernaut Bend Project
This class give us the opportunity to go through the workflow in RealityCapture with our Drone footage from the preparation of the images sequence in Nuke to the render in Maya Arnold and Clarisse. In Reality-capture we will generate the 3D mesh, align and orient properly the mesh, understand the bounding box concept, create some UVs and UDIM’s and export an OBJ and TIF textures. Finally, we will jump in Maya and reconnect everything to get our
Author Alex
FXPHD – FLM103 – Introduction to Flame – Part 1
Flame has the reputation of a mystery box. While widely used in the realm of commercials and advertising for everything from editing, vfx, grading to finishing, it has the perception to have a steep learning curve.
Author Alex
FXPHD – NUK313 – Photorealism in Compositing with NUKE: Case Studies
The second part of this two-part course, taught by Victor Perez, focuses on putting the theory discussed in the first part (NUK312) into practice. To that end, this courses uses our case studies with a practical approach, compositing the scenes from scratch to recreate the qualities of light, from internal to external setups, in different times of the day.
Author Alex
FXPHD – DMP302 – Digital Matte Painting Desert Apocalypse
FXPHD – DMP302 – Digital Matte Painting Desert Apocalypse | 2.6 GB
Author Alex
FXPHD – SYS206 – VFX Pipeline – From Newbie to TD Part 1
In this course, Hugo Léveillé shows various tips and tricks to build a VFX pipeline. You will see how to build various pipeline tools using a variety of software. In this first part, you will learn how to manage Python modules with the virtual environment and PIP. Next, you'll learn how build a database system from scratch so that you can save our project information inside it, which will be the foundation of what will be built in future courses.
Author Alex
FXPHD – ENV240 – Intermediate Clarisse for Environments
This course, from CG Supervisor Charles Chorein, dives into Clarisse and the power of scattering. The course covers the different aspects of scattering in Clarisse, NVIDIA Optix and denoiser, Cryptomatte and Light Path Expression for multi lights.
Author Alex
FXPHD – NUK312 – Photorealism in Compositing with NUKE Fundamentals
The goal of the visual effects compositor is photorealism, using the art of compositing layers of images to look coherent using the physics of light at the service of storytelling. It's critical that, in the end, the merged image needs to loo like they have been shot at the same time with the same camera and lenses, under the same lighting conditions.
Author Alex
FXPHD – FLM211 – Graphic Design in Flame
Building upon our successful series of effects-based Flame courses, this course changes tack and focuses on graphics design. Taught by Rob O’Neill, this offering aims to help Flame artists take their design skills to the next level through a variety of projects.
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