Allegorithmic Substance Designer 2018.2.2.1641 Win x64

Author Alex
1 182
Allegorithmic Substance Designer 2018.2.2.1641 Win x64

Next update of Allegorithmic Substance Designer 2018.2.2.1641 for Windows x64

Substance Designer is a node-based texture compositing tool that allows you to create Substance files or bitmap textures. You can use it to texture assets and also bake model information (ex: normal, displacement, curvature etc.). It contains a wide library of tools, materials and procedural effects to help you achieve your goals in a fully non-destructive workflow.

Changes 2018.2.2


[Content] Shape Shadow does not work correctly when tiling is off
[Content] Floodfill to Random grayscale / color doesn't work correctly in some cases
[Content] Flood Fill is incorrect in non-square
[Content] Flood fill to Color / Grayscale is broken
[Content] QuadTransform is jaggy in CPU
[Content] Star Shape outputs a "No Tiling" tiling mode
[Content] Shape Splatter Blend Color output absolute 32f bitdepth
[Content] Shape Splatter Blend Color is long to compute if its format is not set to 32F
[Graph] Crash when linking image as Input of a Fx-Map while Iterate properties are displayed
[Graph] Timings seems wrong while editing graph in-context
[Graph] Random crash when saving graph
[Graph] material mode doesn't work with sbsar
[3D View] Material assignment is not restored correctly
[3D View] Some 3Dview state file settings are not loaded correctly
[2D View] Alpha display always displays black
[2D View] Display Image to grayscale button does not work for images with alpha
[UI] dependency manager spawn on start even when not activated on Mac
[UI] Some buttons perform actions even when releasing the mouse outside
[API] Crash when trying to keep an array item outside the scope of the array where he comes from
[MDL Graph] Node preview is upside down
[MDL Graph] Displacement of the preview node is different than in the 3DView
[Console] Performances gets very slow when the console contains many message
[Console] Qt warnings when launching Designer on CentOS
[FX-Map] Crash while deleting links between inputs and FX-map
[Functions] Can't set a string type node as output in Function Resource
[Preferences] There is no focus in the preferences menu, user can accidentally change a value while scrolling
[FX-Map] Input Image Index combobox not updated correctly when adding/removing inputs
[Dependencies] Crash when deleting UDIM resources used in a graph
[API] SDLocationContext.getCurrentGraph() always return null
[Publish] Wrong URL to Substance Player downloading page

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  1. Renato de Souza
    Renato19892018 October 17 11:52
    They say part 5 is missing
    1. Sonya2018 October 17 12:25
      No need part5, check you archiver (need WinRar 5.5 or above)
  2. Renato de Souza
    Renato19892018 October 17 12:31
    I have the last WinRar version try it please they say "Next volume is required". It stops at 85% clearly the last volume is missing. Thx for your fast answer
  3. Renato de Souza
    Renato19892018 October 17 20:33
    Hi, Thx for your help everything works fine.
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