Blender Market – HardOps 0098: Californium

Author Alex
Blender Market – HardOps 0098: Californium

Blender Market – HardOps 0098: Californium

What is Hard Ops?
Hard Ops is a toolkit aimed at assisting users with everything from modelling to rendering. Hard Ops is optimized for usage in working full screen and with no UI. With tools ranging from boolean based cutting workflows to interactive mirroring, Hard Ops is aimed at assisting users at all aspects of the pipeline to ensure tools are always within a finger-press or click.

Through many collaborations with artists and coders all over the world Hard Ops brings a world class hard surface experience to Blender.

With the vast array of options you are guaranteed to be modelling faster than ever before with more efficiency and readiness to make art without a UI to weigh down the creative experience.

What are some of the features?
Some features worth noting in Hard Ops is:
  • expanded boolean functionality
  • mesh sharpening system
  • modifier / material popup systems
  • interactive mirroring system
  • visual notification system / interactive ribbons
  • render presets for rendering simplification
  • UV display in 3d view
  • destructive and non-destructive workflows
  • extended modifier support
  • bevel management system
  • grease pencil / sculpt support
and much much more...

With Hard Ops alone you can go all the way from cube to final result. The workflows we present have been refined, dissected, and streamlined for users of all disciplines to make the tools work for them. Our support for other tools in the field also remains unmatched with multiple levels of support for popular tools. We stand by the philosophy that you can perform any of the functions using Blender alone but we offer the ability to do it faster and make it a process that users can enjoy and digest easier. Less time fighting UI and panels while looking for options and more time looking at stunning renders.

Why did you make Hard Ops?
Initially I wanted to make a book however the functions started to get grouped in writing to make them easier and then it became apparent that could be coded into functions easier to write about. Hard Ops is the culmination of years of Hard Surface workflow condensed and expanded via collaboration with the larger community. As the tools expand the possibilities expand the processes rapidly become faster so hopefully if I do get back to that book I can discuss more technique and less program functionality.

Why is workflow so important to enhance?
Clicks add up. And mice and keyboards die. The longer users struggle with the PC the sooner you feel the pains of arthritis and RSS. By streamlining the workflow users can get results quicker with less keystrokes and spend less time destroying your hands with steps of processes.

What about 2.8 and updates?
Hard Ops comes with documentation, tutorials, and future updates are provided free of cost until further notice. 2.8 updates are currently in development and will be coming soon. We are committed to keeping this tool alive along with the community.

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