Game Development

Author redzz
Unreal Engine – Material Function Collection
This package consists of materials with special functions to achieve various visual effects. Each material is customizable through multiple parameters to match your desired effect. Several possibilities are displayed in the showcase room with plenty of o
Author redzz
Unreal Engine – Magic Circle Creator
***Monthly Unreal Engine Sponsored Content product for July 2021*** Check out Dragon Motion's other products here: Overview and features: How to save your effect preset: How to change parameters during the game: Create an infinite number of your
Author redzz
Unreal Engine – Luos's Eight elements
***Monthly Unreal Engine Sponsored Content product for August 2021*** Check out Luos's other products here: "Luos's Eight elements" pack is both the "Four Elements" and "Four More Elements" packages merged into one. If you own either one of them, it w
Author redzz
Unreal Engine – LowPoly Cats
This pack of LOWPOLY CATS is perfect for your stylized game. The pack contains 15 cat breeds with 80 (!!) animations. Optimized models allow you to use them for games on PC and mobile devices. The models have 2500 - 3500 tris and 36 bones. Texture map -
Author redzz
Unreal Engine – Low Poly Style Deluxe 2: Tropical Environment
SEE TRAILER HERE: Pushing low poly style to a new standard, Low Poly Style Deluxe 2: Tropical Environment includes everything you need to create breathtaking stylized tropical environments. Check out the 3 deck, 30 gun pirate ship, that even includes a
Author redzz
Unreal Engine – Light Foliage
August Update (published soon for 4.25 and 4.26 versions of the engine) Improved vertex normals for better reaction to light on surfaces Added grass types to directly fill landscape grass layers (you can check our to our up-coming asset pack Landscape Pi
Author redzz
Unreal Engine – Level Design Tool Kit
*** Unreal Engine Sponsored Content for September 2021! *** Level Design Tool Kit has a lot of great features that can speed up your level design workflow! Say goodbye to CTRL clicking on multiple actors that you want to move or group up. With LDTK you
Author redzz
Unreal Engine – Ingame Level Editor
***Monthly Unreal Engine Sponsored Content product for August 2021*** Check out F1rstContent's other products here: Create levels in your game! Asset does not require blueprint knowledge, and also has a detailed guide for implementation in your projec
Author redzz
Unreal Engine – Horror Dining Room
***Monthly Unreal Engine Sponsored Content product for October 2021*** Check out Tim Hertel's other products here: Horror Dining Room is now also included in "Horror Rooms Bundle - Vol. 1" | Current Version 1.2arenaming "Big_web_plane" to "Spiderweb_
Author redzz
Unreal Engine – Foliage Plugin
Check out eelDev's other products here: The Foliage Plugin can convert your Foliage Instances to Actors, these actors can then be interacted with or contain custom logic that gives the player Rewards such as Wood, Stone or other resources. Convert your
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