Author Sonya
Unity Asset – Cardboard VR TouchLess Menu Trigger
This package allows the user to use the VR cardboard headset to select different buttons without having to press the magnetic trigger (touchless). A loading circular bar is displayed before triggering the function inherent to the button. It works with the 2018 versions of the editor and Google Cardboard.
Author Sonya
Unity Asset – Rigidbody Pick-Up
A powerful pick up script to pick up rigidbodies. Includes a ton of customization options for the game you want!
Author Sonya
Unity Asset – Stellar Sprites
Stellar Sprites is a dynamic and powerful sprite generator. It's extremely easy to use resulting in countless unique sprites.
Author Sonya
Unity Asset – Edy's Vehicle Physics
EVP brings fun and realistic vehicles to your games! Designed for gameplay, ease of use, and realistic behavior.
Author Sonya
Unity Asset – 2D Vehicle Controller
2D Vehicle Controller your 2D vehicle for your 2D project in seconds with a simple script and make your game more faster. This asset contains a mobile example scene for Android,iOS, WP8 and BlackBerry and accelerometer control support for mobile devices.
Author Sonya
Unity Asset – UI Editor
UI Editor is a decidated editor window that allows you to build user interfaces with ease and speed.
Author Sonya
Unity Asset – Bone Controller
Bring your baked animations to life with real-time bone control! In modern games, players expect your characters to react to the enviroment in a realistic way. Whether it's foot placement, real-time looking, or swinging pony-tails players want thier characters to feel alive.
Author Sonya
Unity Asset – Mount Points
If your avatar needs to swap clothing or weapons during run-time, this is the perfect tool for you!
Author Sonya
Unity Asset – Auto Fence & Wall Builder
[ce nter] [/center] Auto Fence & Wall Builder is a tool for the rapid design and building of fences and walls, from presets, your own designs, or 3rd Party Models. Simply shift-click anywhere on the ground and the fence/wall will build and update in realtime. The terrain/ground can be modified any time, and AFWB will update to perfectly follow the slope.
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