The Art of the Storyboard with Lyndon Ruddy

Author Alex
The Art of the Storyboard with Lyndon Ruddy

The Art of the Storyboard with Lyndon Ruddy

MP4 1920x1080 | Total time: 14h 13m | ENG | Project Files Included

In this BRAND NEW storyboard course with over 14 hours of content, learn what it takes to be a professional story artist! Learn not just the mechanics of good storyboarding such as camera angles, the 180˚ rule, “why” & “when” to move the camera, etc. but also watch in near real-time as Lyndon Ruddy (Blue Sky, Disney, Warner Bros., Sony) explains the entire process from script through final boards. See what it takes to be a story artist in a studio environment for film and television!

Lyndon Ruddy has 20+ years experience storyboarding, designing and animating for films, television & games. He wants to share his lifetime of knowledge with you!

You will learn the details that are expected of a professional story artist working today. Including:

Storytelling techniques for 3D & 2D production
How, When & Why to move the Camera
Types of camera moves + how to simulate them in a 2D environment
“Eye Trace”
Composition & Mood
Tips & Techniques
Storytelling Tools
Drawing Shortcuts
Pans, Cuts, & Shot Selection
From Script, Thru Thumbnails to Final Storyoards!
PLUS you’ll also get a HUGE bundle of bonus material including:
Original Thumbnail & Final Storyboard Images!
Custom Photoshop Storyboard Brush
Storyboard Template Files
& More!
Throughout the course Lyndon will provide examples, show clips and provide references to reinforce the concepts you will learn!

Download links:
  1. Solma2019 November 3 02:58
    Cinematography for 2D Animation Essentials this please thanks in advance
  2. hash2019 November 3 19:11
    part 10 is corrupt, can u verify?

    video 14 is corrupt and not extractable, due to part 10 curruption.
    can u provide a fixed file?
    1. Sonya2019 November 4 13:38
      Just downloaded by premium, unpacked - ALL OK!

      Did you download by free mode? Which archivier? Need winrar 5.5 or above
  3. hash2019 November 4 18:29
    @Sonya, well i tried it...i upgraded my winrar but the problem is the same, part 10 is corrupt.
    i downloaded the file two times already.
    my current version of winrar after the upgrade is 5.71

    can anyone provide just a fix for part 10 of the rar, or just video 14?

    thank you.
  4. D F2022 June 6 06:54
    Hi Sonya,

    Could you please refresh the links
    1. Sonya2022 June 6 18:59
      All links OK - more details pls
      1. D F2022 June 7 15:37
        It was a firewall issue on my side. All hitfile links working now :)
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