Udemy – Learn Game Artificial Intelligence in Unity Visual Scripting

Author Alex
Udemy – Learn Game Artificial Intelligence in Unity Visual Scripting

Bring your games to life without coding by building artificial intelligence algorithms with Visual Scripting tools.

What you'll learn
Learn Visual Scripting from the original Bolt YouTuber
Become a wizard of timing and rotating things in Unity
Create 3D worlds with robots ghosts and cute ducks
Make a city and action game prototype: sandboxes to forever support your learning and dream games
Game AI for enemies and friends
Best practices for architecture and performance

No prior Unity experience needed, but a couple hours of messing around will help!
No programming experience needed

Strap yourself in: Programming Artificial Intelligence is about to click! Since making the official tutorials for Bolt on Unity's Learn Site, creating this course has been a dream of mine. In collaboration with Holistic3D, I took Penny's quintessential C# tutorial series The Beginner's Guide to Artificial Intelligence and adapted it to *drumroll*... Unity Visual Scripting! In this course you're getting the best of both worlds: Learn content from a renowned expert on AI and computer science.....remixed, reconfigured, and riffed on by a creative artist and designer who has helped thousands learn visual scripting from the early years to today... that's me!  Through a practice based approach you will follow along as each step is revealed for you to recreate the applications of this course created with Unity 2021.3.9Here's the list of what we'll make together:For total beginners, we start with a Day/Night Cycle to bring sunsets and sunrises to your game worlds.We'll use Custom Events to make fireflies appear and turn streetlights on in the night.Want something more advanced? We'll make an in-game clock and sync it with the sun.Set up a Click-To-Move Player Controller using Cinemachine and Unity's Nav Mesh system.Bring to life wildlife in the form of ducks and rats that respond to the world around them.Populate a city with crowds of NPCs who wander around, avoid cars, and run away from ghostsMaster rotations and timing with a laser gun turret We'll use predictive aiming to make challenging enemies for the player to faceFinesse Enemy AI with improved algorithms for Patrol, Chase and Attack strategiesExtra Content! at the end, based on your requests and questions.By the end of this course you will have: A full understanding of UVS and Unity's API - the foundation to make what you imagineAn in-game time system - make your game worlds dynamic from the startFamiliarity with 3D game mathematics - you'll be comfortable and confident moving and rotating objects in UnityLearned Unity's Nav Mesh System - add lifelike characters and creatures to your game worldsState machines as an essential part of your game dev toolset - create AI that responds to the environment and the player's actionsTwo sandbox projects, a city and sci-fi action prototype - keep libraries of graphs ready to drop into any of your gamesJoined the friendly and active UVS and Holistic3D communities - share your progress, get unstuck, and connect with other UVS creators like youWe're so excited to share the course with you and can't wait to see how you run with it,- Jim @HomeMech

Who this course is for
Artists, designers, storytellers, and generalists who want to take their craft to the next level
People who struggle learning C# and wish it would click
Students who want to use Unity in their school projects
Professionals in integrated teams of artists, designers, and developers
Hobbyists who don't have a lot of time: tutorials are easy to pick up and come back to

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  1. Guest Thomas2023 March 18 21:58
    The file for hitfile download appears to have been deleted or removed. Is it possible to conform if this has been done, or is it possibly just a broken link. Is available via hot4share, but that is an expensive premium...
    1. Sonya2023 March 20 19:09
      All fixed
      1. Guest Thomas2023 March 28 15:34
        Apologies Sonya, been offline, just viewed your reply.

        Thank you for the fix, dowloaded perfectly.
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