Udemy – Complete Unity® and Android Development: Build Games & Apps

Author Alex
Udemy – Complete Unity® and Android Development: Build Games & Apps

Learn to code & build beginner Android apps! And make a Legend of Zenda game in Unity®. Make unique game art in Blender

What you'll learn
Build a 3D "Legend of Zenda" game in Unity Technologies from scratch.
Navigate the Unity® and Blender interfaces
Build 3D models for the game in Blender.
Integrate the art from Blender into Unity®.
Build video game levels and scenes.
Code in Java and C#.
Build Android apps.

To follow along with the Unity® part, you will need the following programs: Blender (for 3D modeling and texturing), Photoshop or a free program like Gimp (for 2D art and some texturing), and Unity® (for game set-up and coding).
The C# coding section might be overwhelming for someone who has never coded before. Some coding experience is recommended.
Some Blender experience for model creation. If you're a beginner, download the models and import into Unity.
Unity® and Blender are free to download. Please download and install Unity® and Blender before purchasing this course.
This course was recorded on a Mac computer, but you can use Unity® and Blender on a PC.
For the Android part, please have a working computer onto which you can install Android Studio 2.2.
Java coding skills are helpful but not required.

"Incredibly essential for a beginner such as myself. I have attempted to figure out Unity on my own and was completely lost even with the system's free tutorials. This is giving me exactly what I need to know in a step-by-step explanation"

"It's really good so far, they are not making me paste lots of code like other tutorials which means I can learn." - Eivis T.

"Very detailed explanation." - Gonzalo C.


This beginner's course has 2 parts! In Part 1, you build a 3D Legend of Zenda game in Unity® and Blender. In Part 2, you learn Android app development by making apps from scratch.

This course is unique because we make both the code and the art for the game from scratch. We teach you the fundamentals of designing, coding, and modeling a 3D game.

First you design the game "The Legend of Zenda" and its functionality in Unity®. You learn how to code in C# and build video game levels.

Don't worry if you've never coded before. We start simple and add more to the game as the course goes on.

Included in this course is material for beginners to get comfortable with the interfaces. Please note that we reuse this material in similar courses because it is introductory material. You can find some material in this course in the following related courses

Unreal Engine 4 & Android Development: Make 6 Games, 12 Apps

The ultimate Android course for complete beginners

Universal App Development: Code and Make Apps in C# and Java

Complete Unity and Android Development: Build Games and Apps

Create 19 Low Poly Models & Your First 3D RPG In Unity® C#

Complete Unity and Android Development: Build Games and Apps

C# Masterclass: Make RPG & Mobile Games in Unity & Blender

Build "The Legend Of Zenda" Game in Unity and Blender

Make a 3D Unity Action Game & Low Poly Buildings in Blender

Professional Game Development: 3D Modeling and Unity C#

28 Low Poly Models and a Unity® Game - Complete 3D Developer

Why Unity®?

Unity® is one of the most popular platforms in game development. You can use Unity® to build 2D and 3D games. Unity® is cross-platform, which means it is easy to use with other platforms.

Then you create the 3D models for the game in Blender. You build all the art assets for the game, including the characters, weapons, cannon, dungeon, and temple. You learn how to integrate your art from Blender into Unity®.

Why Blender?

Blender, like Unity®, is a popular production suite that is free to download. Blender is a revolutionary tool for making 3D art digitally. With Blender, you can make art assets for games, like we do in this course.

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make Android apps? Chances are you have tried but haven't got anywhere. Sometimes the tutorials are either too basic or too complex. What you need is a pre-planned curriculum that shows you how to build apps.

Look no further because this course is the Number 1 course that will show you how to build apps for Android. Reach a ton of people with your amazing idea today.

Enroll today!

Who this course is for
Anyone who wants to learn Unity® or Blender.
Anyone who wants to learn game development.
The Unity portion assumes you know a little about Unity® and Blender
Complete beginners who want to learn to code for Android app development

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  1. CY Chang
    camel2k2023 August 27 18:16
    Dear Sonya,
    Files are not found or deleted, please fix.
    Thanks a lot
    CY Chang
    1. Sonya2023 August 28 17:08
      All fixed
    2. CY Chang
      camel2k2023 August 29 13:41
      Dear Sonya,
      Thank you.
      The link is not the same as subject(Udemy – Complete Unity® and Android Development: Build Games & Apps)
      Give me your hands once again.
      Best regards,
      CY Chang
      1. Sonya2023 August 30 10:47
        Fixed again - check now
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