Unity 3D Video Game Kit Introduction

Author Alex
Unity 3D Video Game Kit Introduction

Udemy - Unity 3D Video Game Kit Introduction.

Design and Build a Video Game Level without Coding. Great way to learn the Unity Engine. (3.5 hours)

What you'll learn
Unity 3D Game Kit - a powerful tool that requires no programming
How to build an action adventure level with triggers that open doors, moving platforms, enemies, hazards, and more
How to use the Unity engine, including understanding the relationship between the hierarchy, game assets and inspector
How to build a level from scratch with a handful of useful level design strategies
Mac or PC capable of running Unity 2018 or later
No coding knowledge required!
Want to make a game but aren’t yet ready to learn programming? Unity 3D Game Kit is the answer. Both the Unity Engine and the Game Kit plug-in are completely free to download and start using to build your game development skills.This course is an introduction course. It is intended to be just a couple of hours in length and get you up and running as efficiently as possible.This course is taught using Unity 2019.1 and is backwards compatible to Unity 2018.3 and later.This Unity 3D Game Kit from comes cram packed with beautiful graphics, easy-to-use design tools and plenty of creative freedom to flex your level designer muscles. Its a perfect place to learn Unity without needing to wrestle with learning a programming language. Its perfect for someone interested in being a game designer or level designer without needing to worry about building an entire game in order to create fun designs.The output from this course will be your very own fully-functioning death star... oh wait... fully-functioning action adventure level (even cooler). You'll learn how to implement the following (without needing to do any coding, did we mention that?)...Create beautiful and interesting environments using the huge pack of assets that come with the Game KitAdd platforms, moving platforms, doors, keys / locks and other building blocks necessary for making an interesting levelAdd and tuning enemies for the player to battleAdd hazards and traps that can harm the playerAnd, of course, lots more This course includes a beginner-friendly introduction to installing and learning the Unity user interface for those folks who are not familiar with the engine. And mixed in will be a sprinkling of game design and level design best practices. The end result will be your very own action adventure level, complete with challenges, obstacles and enemies.This course is brought to you by the GameDev-tv team, creators of the world's most popular online Unity course. By purchasing this course you will have full access to the GameDev-tv community. Get plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (nearly 20k), in our own TA-curated Community (17k views/day), and our student chat group (10k live at any one time).


Section 1: Introduction & Setup

Lecture 1 Why You Should Join This Course

Lecture 2 Welcome To The Course

Lecture 3 Install Unity & Hub

Lecture 4 Install 3D Game Kit

Lecture 5 Community & Support

Lecture 6 Play The Example Level

Lecture 7 Introduction To Unity

Section 2: Game Kit Features

Lecture 8 Add Geometry To Scene

Lecture 9 Place & Tune Enemies

Lecture 10 Destructible Boxes & Health Crates

Lecture 11 Adding Level Hazards

Lecture 12 Info Zone Text Displays

Lecture 13 Moving Platforms

Lecture 14 Pressure Pad Trigger Volumes

Lecture 15 Checkpoints & Crystals

Lecture 16 Switches & Counters

Lecture 17 Advanced Send & Receive

Lecture 18 Simple Rotation Component

Lecture 19 Contact Damager Component

Lecture 20 Vegetation & Rock Painters

Lecture 21 Tuning Levers For Player

Section 3: Make Your Level

Lecture 22 Bringing It All Together

Lecture 23 5 Level Design Tips

Lecture 24 Your Level's Theme

Lecture 25 Start Making Your Level

Lecture 26 Rick's Level & Process

Lecture 27 BONUS, Congratulations & Thanks

Competent and confident with using a computer,Level designers looking for a powerful tool to build levels,Experienced developers looking for a quick way to learn the unity interface,Young folks, old folks, any folks who are interested in game development

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  1. CY Chang
    camel2k2023 August 22 12:47
    Hi Sonya!
    It looks like File was deleted or not found for Hitfile, please fix.
    Thanks a lot.
    Best Regards,
    CY Chang
    1. Sonya2023 August 24 11:53
      Fixed - try now
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