
Creating a 3D platformer videogame with Godot and Blender

Author Alex
Creating a 3D platformer videogame with Godot and Blender

Udemy - Creating a 3D platformer videogame with Godot and Blender.

Step by step 3D videogame with Godot and Blender

What you'll learn
Create 3D models in Blender.
Create Actions and Animations Using Blender's Action Editor and Key Frame Editor.
Store multiple animations as Non Linear Actions.
Export the 3D model so that it can be used in different applications.
Create a 3D Video Game in Godot
Import 3D assets and customize them.
Creating a user interface to help the player
Read and save files in Godot.
Programing with GDScript

Basic understanding of Blender
Basic understanding of Godot
Basic understanding of GDScript / Python

Hello and welcome.

If you are a developer or designer who is interested in creating 3D video games and use your own resources, this course is for you.

In this course, we will focus on using Blender to create models that can be used in Godot to design a 3D platformer video game.

We also cover the creation of a basic user interface to improve the user experience in the game by using multiple elements that you can find in Godot.

We will create each of the models step by step, we will create animations that are going to be used and we will export each one of the files and import them into Godot.

In this course you will learn

Create 3D models in Blender.


Create Actions and Animations Using Blender's Action Editor and Key Frame Editor.

Store multiple animations as Non Linear Actions.

Export the 3D model so that it can be used in different applications.

Create a 3D Video Game in Godot

Import 3D assets and customize them.

Creating a user interface to help the player

Read and save files in Godot.

Programing with GDScript

By acquiring the course, you will get access to the resources created through the lessons.

12 3D models (4 with animations)

Godot project

Link to external resources

I hope that the content of this course to be useful to you and that you can use it to your personal projects.

Have fun and happy learning.

Download links:
  1. Luckon
    Luckier2023 January 18 11:33
    please fix the hitfile link
    1. Sonya2023 January 19 15:52
      Done - try now
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