Skillshare – How to Draw Superhero Heads

Author Alex
1 071
Skillshare – How to Draw Superhero Heads

Skillshare – How to Draw Superhero Heads.

Drawing heads from your imagination can seem like a daunting task, but with this streamlined, and simplified approach, you'll learn all the skills you need to start drawing great looking heads quickly and easily.

I've been a best selling comic book artist for over 26 years. These are skills that i use every day to draw books like Batman, X-men, Avengers, and Wonder Woman. In order to meet the demands of quality and schedule that these books require, I've refined my process down to essential steps I need to draw quickly and consistently, and I want to share what I've learned with you. This is all about the simple building blocks of drawing, which makes this course ideal fro beginners, all the way through to advanced.

From simple forms, to a breakdown of facial features, hair, and shadow, and all the way through a completed head, you'll learn all the skills you need to draw heads confidently in any medium you choose.

Hands-on lessons cover:

- Drawing simple head constructions

- Feature placement

- Detailed feature study

- Shadowing

-Hair block in and refinement

-Cross Hatching and line direction

-A step by step approach that you can use to draw better heads in all your work

Whether you're an aspiring comic book artist, video game designer, illustrator, or drawing is just a fun, rewarding hobby, my simple approach will help guide your skill long after you've finished the course. Get out some paper, or fire up your I-pad, and lets get drawing!

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  1. gx_joker2022 September 21 18:37
    Hello GFX Team

    There is a problem with the site

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    I used the Opera browser because it has a VBN so that I can open the site

    Please solve the problem so that the site opens normally
    1. Sonya2022 September 21 21:55
      What country? More details and screenshot pls
      1. gx_joker2022 September 24 21:55

        all the time i see this massage

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        1. Sonya2022 September 25 10:31
          Try to clear browser cache and refresh page some times Ctrl + F5
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