Udemy – Create a Fun Life Simulator Game using playMaker and Unity

Author Alex
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Udemy – Create a Fun Life Simulator Game using playMaker and Unity

Create a Fun Life Simulator Game using playMaker and Unity – full video tutorial by Udemy

What Will I Learn?

Make a life simulator type game in Playmaker and Unity
Implement increasingly complex game designs
How to break down problems into finite state machines and develop visual solutions


You should be comfortable using a PC for basic to intermediate tasks
Unity 3D should installed and PlayMaker downloaded from the Unity Asset Store
Be open to a fun new way to learn how to program! Visually!
You must have own playMaker to follow along with this course


Important! To following along with this course you must own playMaker. It can be purchased on the Unity Asset Store! It is also one of the best Unity Assets you will find.

This game design was inspired by some of the most popular Life Simulator Games. Specifically, in this course we implement many of the features in Homeless?. It is available on the Google Play Store.

This course is for anyone who wishes to build a Life Simulator Game in Unity3D using a visual development tool called playMaker. With playMaker, you can make entire games without writing a single line of code. In fact, in this course we build and entire working Life Simulator game without a single line of C# code. The entire project is 100% playMaker visual diagrams.

Learn the power of visual programming:

Perfect for making your very first video game ever! Requires Unity3D (Free to download) & playMaker

Start from the very beginning and follow step-by-step. The course is designed for complete beginners

This course is fast paced and focused on building your game. Although this is for beginners these are not boring lectures with fillers. Each lecture you will be learning to design games and building on your game

Learn to build a complete game in Unity 3D with no C# programming required for any of the game.

Focus on incremental development skills will help you create you own games

Clear, easy to understand lectures that are paced to make it fun and easy to learn Unity3d & PlayMaker

Created by OdooClass Videos... creator of Idle Business Simulation for C# enjoyed by over 1,000 students

Great starting off point for those who wish to get into game development or expand their range of skills

Why would an experienced C#, Python, or jаvascript programmer be interested in PlayMaker?

There are several reasons why even experienced programmers may wish to experiment with PlayMaker.

Building games in PlayMaker vs C# allows you to look at game development from a different perspective.

As a developer myself who has written code in dozens of languages, it is often refreshing to build games in a visual tool like PlayMaker. A break from coding and still making games can be fun.

How you approach the design and how you build up your game has unique solutions and challenges you will not face when writing typical C# games.

It is relatively easy for an experienced C# developer to write actions that work with PlayMaker. This allows you to use PlayMaker as a state machine and for managing high level functions of your game design while using C# for more complex calculations and algorithms that can be tedious to code using a visual tool.

Who is the target audience?

Anyone who wishes to learn how to create games
Game Developers who learn better visually or who have struggled learning how to code
Experienced developers who wish to look at game development from a different perspective
Anyone interested in learning Unity3d & PlayMaker by making a fun game
Beginning programmers who wish to experiment with visual programming

Download links:
  1. sin100012019 January 10 23:22
    Please re-up pt 3 (hitfile)!

    Thank you!!
    1. Sonya2019 January 11 10:45
      Full re-uploaded. You need download all parts again for correct unpack.
  2. yournewblock2020 January 19 17:44
    part one link is dead...
    1. Sonya2020 January 20 15:29
      Download all parts again
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