Master Unity 3D Game Development

Author Alex
1 576
Master Unity 3D Game Development

Udemy - Master Unity 3D Game Development

Get In-depth and Hands On Learning By Building A Ton Of Games From A Proven Trainer & Game Developer

What you'll learn:
Become proficient with Unity
Become proficient with C# for Unity
Learn how build games from start to finish
Get your game published onto your Android and / or iOS device
Get a job as a game developer

Requires access to a computer with Unity (minimum 2019.4, latest preferred) installed
Access to an Android or iOS device for advanced topics is optional but recommended
Some Java or C# programming knowledge is recommended but not required

Get hands on, deep and master gaming in a whole new way by learning how to build games using Unity 3D - the worlds leading game engine.

Our philosophy is simple - keep the theory at a minimum and focus heavily with hands on learning.

Who better to learn how to build games than from a seasoned trainer and accomplished real world game developer. In this course, we take your existing programming knowledge of other languages and move cutting edge Unity game development. We get right into the meat and potatoes and start building games step by step.

Don't waste your time with other courses. The materials here are based on our live courses taught to 1000's students who have paid thousands of dollars to be there so you're not getting second rated material and you will retain everything as we reinforce the material into you.

What you will get:

The experience of building tons of games.

Take your beginner (or expert for that matter) programming experience and turn it into expert Unity 3D game development.

Get deep and hands on in the Unity ecosystem with:

The Unity Editor

Animations & Particle Systems

Creating incredible cut scenes using Cinemachine

Pushing your game content to the cloud using AWS and Addressables

Artificial Intelligence for your games using tools like Navmesh and Behaviour Trees

Game music and sound effects

Physics using Rigidbodies, Colliders, Raycasting and more!

Publishing to your Android and iOS devices

Augmented Reality

and much more!

Learn the basics of game design - we give you tips and tricks on how to make your game look beautiful so that your future users will enjoy your eye-candy.

What are you waiting for? Get started today!

Who this course is for
Anyone looking to publish their own games and / or get a job as a Unity game developer

Download links:
  1. CY Chang
    camel2k2023 September 2 11:03
    Dear Sonya,
    File was deleted or not found, please fix.
    Thanks a lot.
    CY Chang
    1. Sonya2023 September 4 09:28
      Fixed - try now
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