School Of Motion – Advanced Motion methods

Author Alex
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School Of Motion – Advanced Motion methods

School Of Motion – Advanced Motion methods

In Advanced Motion Methods you'll learn how to structure animations according to geometric proportions found in nature, deal with complexity, create cool transitions, and learn tips that only a seasoned After Effects veteran with years of experience can give.

Gorgeously Designed Lessons and Exercises
Over 25 Hours of Video Instruction
In-Depth Feedback from Professional Animators

Learn After Effects in No Time
Sander van Dijk is one of the top After Effects animators in the world. As a motion design legend, he has worked at major studios and developed incredible tools for animators. In this class, Sander takes you under his wing to teach you everything he knows about creating killer work in After Effects. You’ll learn how to structure animations according to geometric proportions found in nature, deal with complexity, create cool transitions, and more.

You’ll be able to test your new skills on artwork created by some of the top artists in the Motion Design field that mimics the work that the best studios create. In this course you’ll learn how to structure animations according to geometric proportions found in nature, deal with complexity and create cool transitions.

Our Most Difficult Course

Advanced Motion Methods was created to be the pinnacle of our animation courses. We threw everything we had at this, and with the help of Sander we think you're in for one heck of a ride.

High-Level MoGraph Concepts

We'll be digging deep into concepts that you may not have considered applying to your motion design before, like math and geometry. You'll learn techniques for good project planning, creating advanced transitions from scene to scene, and breaking down complex animations.

There are no punches pulled.

We're teaching hard concepts you may not get right away, and you'll find yourself reviewing them over and over again. Advanced Motion Methods is the MoGraph equivalent of rocket science.

Taught by one of the smartest animators in the world.

Sander Van Dijk is a heavy-weight in the motion design world. The precision he brings to motion design is unparalleled, and you'll quickly come to see why.

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