Udemy – Unreal Engine 5: Easy Realistic Scenes For Beginners

Author Alex
1 503
Udemy – Unreal Engine 5: Easy Realistic Scenes For Beginners

Learn the basics of Unreal Engine 5 by making Realistic Renders

What you'll learn
Learn the basics of using cinematic Rendering in Unreal Engine 5 with a Project based approach
Learn the basics of Lighting in Unreal Engine 5 with a Project based approach
Learn the basics of Cameras in Unreal Engine 5 with a Project based approach
Learn the basics of Rendering in Unreal Engine 5 with a Project based approach

Some experience with Unreal Engine 5 will be helpful

What's up nerds?Unreal Engine 5 is a very high in demand right now but learning it can be a little intimidating for beginners, which is why I made this class just to show you guys how to make amazing, realistic renders in Unreal very easily!Now this tutorial is extremely easy and is made for Unreal beginners who have very little experience, however, you are expected to know how to navigate the UI of Unreal Engine and use basic tools.In this tutorial, we're gonna be covering the basics of Importing Models, texturing and Lighting so you can take your 3D Art skills to the next level.The good thing about this class is that this class will show you the raw process of a 3D artist increating art. We will be solving all problems and making all creative decisions together!So what are you waiting for? Just start this class today and take your Unreal skills to a whole new level!Project:The project is quite simple! You need to first watch the whole tutorial and then make your own 3D scene of a bicycle! You can either use the same 3D model which I used, or you could use another one! You must use all the techniques and skills taught in the class to make sure that you are actually learning something new! You get extra points if you model the bike yourself too because that will really enhance your modelling skills as well!Be sure to change things up by using your own unique colors and lighting setups! Once you are done, be sure to send me the project so I can give you feedback!Good luck!

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  1. Maru Nus2024 August 15 14:44
    Admin pls fix the files ty
    1. Sonya2024 August 15 18:19
      Fixed - try now
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