Udemy – Learn Blender 3D: Get started with 3D Illustration

Author Alex
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Udemy – Learn Blender 3D: Get started with 3D Illustration

Learn the basics of 3D Illustration inside Blender and expand your creative potential

What you'll learn
Get started with the basics of 3D Illustration in Blender 3D.
Learn how to move, scale, rotate and navigate the viewport inside Blender.
Learn the basics of modelling like vertices, edges, faces, modifiers and more by putting them to practice in each lesson.
Learn the basics of UV maps, texturing, shading and lighting to create a final render.

No experience in Blender required however some knowledge of the basics will go a long way.

If you have tried to learn blender, then you know how hard it can be. There are so many menus and buttons, panels and modes you can use that it becomes confusing and feels overwhelming. That’s why I have created this course. My name is Hunter and I am a graphic and motion designer based in Australia. I added Blender to my tool belt about three years ago because of its popularity in for 3D Illustration. But soon found Blender had some other uses like detailed product mockups.

In this course, we will focus on 3D illustration and getting up set up in Blender for success. By the end of this course, you will have the foundations like modelling, texturing and shading ready to tackle some more difficult projects.

1. Introduction

This course kicks off with an introduction. I will get you settled into the course and run over some basic requirements for learning Blender. You will also get access to workings files to help when you get stuck.

2. Getting Started

Chapter two will focus on the basics of Blender. We will take a look at the interface and how to navigate inside the software using shortcuts. We will also learn how to move, rotate and scale objects.

3. Modelling Basics

Chapter three will take a look at edit mode for modelling, and we will start to model out some basic shapes like walls and windows. This chapter will also start introducing modifiers, a no destructive way of editing your models.

4. Modelling

Chapter Four will help solidify your modelling knowledge by showing you different techniques. We will start to model different objects like a table, chair, couch, desk accessories and more. We will also take a quick look into simulation to create objects like a cushion.

5. UVs, Textures and Shading

Chapter Five will look at adding colours and textures to your objects. We will take a look at the shader editor and make some basic materials. We will also learn how to add textures to our objects using shader nodes and different images. You will also learn how to UV unwrap objects, so you don’t get stretching in your textures.

6. Lights, Camera, Render

The last chapter, Chapter 6, will complete the process with lighting, setting up the camera and rendering.

By the end of the course, you will have created your own 3D render. Now Blender has a steep learning curve, and it is mainly due to how much the software has to offer. Blender is also a very keyboard shortcut-heavy software, so I have included a Keyboard shortcut cheat sheet to help you in your journey.

I will also answer any questions throughout the course and update and add new lessons to help you understand the software.

If you think this course is for you, then enrol today, and join me to learn 3D Illustration in Blender.

Who this course is for
Beginner Blender users learning 3D Illustration

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