Udemy – New! Zbrush Hard Surface Sculpting Beginner To Advance

Author Alex
1 590
Udemy – New! Zbrush Hard Surface Sculpting Beginner To Advance

A course designed to all levels for anyone interested in learning developing Hard Surface Sculpting Techniques

What you'll learn
Learning and Mastering Techniques in Hard Surface Sculpting with the Newest Features of Zbrush
A solid foundation into mastering Zremesher, Polygroups and their relationship together with other Zbrush functions
How to sculpt and iterate quickly variety of base mesh shapes and re use those base meshes modularly to expedite your workflow
Learn the Primary and Secondary Functions Knife Curve Brush
Understanding of the Gizmos Transform Deformers and how important of a combination it is with the Knife Curve Brush

Either a trial or license version of Zbrush 2021.7

Hello and Welcome to Zbrush 2021 Hard Surface Sculpting Beginner to Advance, A course designed to all levels for anyone interested in learning developing Hard Surface Sculpting Techniques in ZbrushThis course will take you through a rundown of the basic tools and techniques needed for you to establish a foundation in your sculpting arsenal for crafting your hard surface subject The SPACE TURTLE!To that end we will supply you a base mesh where you will learn and practice all of our unique quick sculpting techniques and tricks to reveal not only how easy it is to create hard surface sculpts but to also demonstrate how modularly efficient it is to re use pieces to expedite your workflow.What we teach:Well start you off will a beginner section to develop a solid foundation into mastering Zremesher, Polygroups and their relationship together with other Zbrush functionsLearn the Primary and Secondary Functions Knife Curve BrushUnderstanding of the Gizmos Transform Deformers and how important of a combination it is with the Knife Curve BrushProblem solving Zremesher through Dynamic thicknessGoing over functions of zbrush such as Hard Surface Modeling tool Zmodeler, and Live BooleansHave Some fun Carving out a facial expression of our turtle and going over glass transparency rendering settings within ZbrushBy the end of this course you’ll have gained the necessary knowledge in understanding just how fast you can flush out complex shapes through zbrush in just a short amount of time as well as have a fully complete Brave and Courageous Space Turtle.With that said let's START SCULPTING!!!

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  1. LUM2025 February 18 17:06
    Hi, the hitfiles link is missing .
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