Ultimate Career Guide 3D Artist Updated Chapter 1 – 7

Author Alex
8 876
Ultimate Career Guide 3D Artist Updated Chapter 1 – 7

Download full video course by Cubebrush – Ultimate Career Guide 3D Artist Update Chapter 1 – 7


Cubebrush - Ultimate Career Guide 3D Artist Chapter 1 – 4

Ultimate Career Guide: 3D Artist
Ever wanted to work as a 3D Artist? Read on…
With this tutorial I decided to take my last 10 years in the video game industry as a Senior 3D Artist and try to summarize it as best as I could, giving away all the knowledge

Sculpting the armor (7h20min)
Topology (3h57min)
UVs (2h23min)
Baking (Substance) (1h13min)
Textures (Substance) (6h22min)

Ultimate Career Guide 3D Artist Chapter 5
Duration 21h Project Files Included MP4

With this tutorial I decided to take my last 10 years in the video game industry as a Senior 3D Artist and try to summarize it as best as I could, giving away all the knowledge

Chapter 5 – Creating a PBR character

Sculpting the armor (7h20min)
Topology (3h57min)
UVs (2h23min)
Baking (Substance) (1h13min)
Textures (Substance) (6h22min)

Ultimate Career Guide 3D Artist Chapter 6
With this tutorial I decided to take my last 10 years in the video game industry as a Senior 3D Artist and try to summarize it as best as I could, giving away all the knowledge

Chapter 6
Portfolio/Presentation (3h28min)

Ultimate Career Guide 3D Artist Chapter 7
With this tutorial I decided to take my last 10 years in the video game industry as a Senior 3D Artist and try to summarize it as best as I could, giving away all the knowledge

Chapter 7
Getting a Job (Exposure, Applying, Interview Tips) (1h10min)


Download links:
  1. J2018 February 12 12:58
    Where is chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4?
    1. Sonya2018 February 12 13:55
      It will be later.
  2. Hero2018 March 8 02:58
    Please can you post chapter 1,2,3,4
    i'm waiting for so long
    and thanks for all you'r hard works
    1. Sonya2018 March 8 10:28
      Check now.
      1. BLENDERER
        BLENDERER2018 May 21 04:23
        Hello Sonya blush
        I have just one problem!
        When I decompress the files for the Chapter 1 to 4, one out of the 7 (8) files is missing because winrar says:
        " Career Guide 3D Artist Chapter 1 - 4.part2_2.rar is missing " file corrupted!

        Therefore I have chapter 1 and 2,5,6,7 but the chapter 3 and 4 don't want to decompress
        Thank you for all your work, but I sincerely wish to have the missing parts for starting the course
        Again thx you for helping,
        much♥♥♥ wink
        1. Sonya2018 May 21 12:25
          What version of the archiver are you using? You need WinRar 5.5 and higher. Just downloaded, unpacked, everything is ok.
          1. BLENDERER
            BLENDERER2018 May 21 15:50
            Hello Sonya
            I have found the little tricky error!
            After DL all the 7 compressed winrar files, the first one is named;
            " Cubebrush - Ultimate Career Guide 3D Artist Chapter 1 - 4.part1_2 ", therefore winrar while uncompressing the files is looking for the part2_2 which send an error message of missing and/or corrrupted file.
            I just went and renamed it as;
            " Cubebrush - Ultimate Career Guide 3D Artist Chapter 1 - 4.part1 " Now it works perfectly!! wink smiley
            1. Sonya2018 May 21 17:14
              Well, that's good smile
  3. Guest Alex2018 March 9 22:48
    I have no money atm , no job , living in Srbija and aiming to become 3D artist and doing very good progress. Haven't found any course that gives you all insights except this one and there was no way to find it for free. I can't express my happiness at this moment . Thank all of you who do this work . I love you people blush
    1. Adriin
      adriin20152019 January 7 06:18
      Hello Alex, good luck boy! God bless you! greetings!
    BLENDERER2018 May 22 18:04
    Hello Sonya
    Thank you for the given possibilities for this course
    much ♥♥♥♥♥ wink
  5. tokyo2018 August 18 21:27
    Files not found
    1. Sonya2018 August 19 22:45
      Ok, i'll fix it some later, check for comments

      Done, fixed - try to download now.
  6. killermac2018 September 5 20:57
    Torrent pls!! :(
  7. Adriin
    adriin20152019 January 7 06:17
    Hello, thank you so much!
  8. DiegoIA2019 April 12 17:03
    I'll never be thankful enough for what you are doing here, but if I could push a bit longer, is there any chance you could upload:
    Ultimate Guide - Drawing the Human Anatomy
    Ultimate Career Guide: Concept Artist
    PBR Character For Games

    All from Marc Brunet?
    1. Sonya2019 April 12 17:14
      We'll try to find it, keep for updates
      1. DiegoIA2019 April 13 03:16
        Thank you So much Sonya!
  9. peng
    penwu2019 December 28 20:01
    Can you fix chapter 5 01 and 02 hitfile links? it's showing connection lost. thank you
    1. Sonya2019 December 29 19:59
      Sorry for late - fixed
      1. peng
        penwu2019 December 30 16:22
        thank you very much!
  10. AndreeaPie2020 June 17 18:21
    There's an issue with chapter 6 part 3 on Hitfile. Is there a chance you can fix it? Thank you. =)
    1. Sonya2020 June 17 21:27
      All fixed - download all chapter 6 parts again pls
      1. AndreeaPie2020 June 17 22:38
        Thank you so much. You're an angel. >u<
  11. dance
    dance2022 January 1 15:09
    Hi Sonia, all the hitfile files I could download without problem but the
    Cubebrush_-_ Ultimate_Career_Guide_3D_Artist_Update_Chapter_5.part05.rar
    I can't go too slow, you can fix it please
    1. dance
      dance2022 January 2 07:25
      Hello sonia, little by little but I could already download it, thanks anyway
      1. Sonya2022 January 2 14:32
        Full re-uploaded
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