Skillshare – Game Design Concept Art Intro | Digital Environment Drawing | Part 3 | Persp. Grids & Layout Sketch

Author Alex
Skillshare – Game Design Concept Art Intro | Digital Environment Drawing | Part 3 | Persp. Grids & Layout Sketch

Skillshare – Game Design Concept Art Intro | Digital Environment Drawing | Part 3 | Persp. Grids & Layout Sketch

Welcome, and thanks for choosing Game Design Concept Art Intro: Digital Environment Drawing!

In this foundational course we will be learning the fundamentals of ¾ cutaway concept art. This type of concept art is great for showcasing an interior environment space making it a great design learning opportunity.

The focus will be on generating ideas, creating a relatable entertaining design, and sketching methods to create your concept.

We will cover the following core skill sets:

Philosophies and mindset of a concept artist

Generating ideas for narrative design

Reference Studying

Photoshop Basics

Design principles

Design Sketching

Linear Perspective

Space layout design including floor plans

Some of these topics could be courses by themselves so we will look at methods concept artists use to “hack” things like perspective. The most important rules for creating entertaining sound designs will be covered but we will not go in depth over all of the design principles. As for PhotoShop, we will go over the basics needed for this course, with the end goal of a layout sketch in mind. Tools and tips will be covered throughout the course and future ones as needed.

***NOTE This course shows the workflow for an artist creating a final asset, there are several ways to reach an end goal, this is simply one of those paths.

We’ll be utilizing the latest software packages that top tier gaming studios of today use to create all of your favorite titles!

Photoshop for the majority of this course, and SketchUp and/or Blender for perspective aids

Why Learn From Class Creatives?

Reide Perigo is an environment concept artist for Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) as part of the Visual Arts Service Group. In his time with SIE, Reide has worked on a number of games. Titles that have been released so far include Death Stranding and VR shooter, Firewall:Zero Hour.

Outside of games, Reide has used his creative talents and design first mentality as a concept artist helping pitch and design Family Entertainment Centers all over the world, a graphic designer -- for companies such as SalesForce -- , and an illustrator for board games and even disc golf stamps.

Who This Course is For:

From beginners interested in learning about concept art and what it takes to make it into the industry, to professional concept artists looking to learn more fundamental design.

As with all Class Creative’s courses, we’ve laid out a structure that covers the full spectrum of industry standard game design concept art work flows from start to finish.

Please remember, if this is your first time creating concept art, environment art, or digital drawing, we highly recommend that you follow the outline carefully, according to how our instructor’s have structured the course. We wouldn’t want you to miss out on any details!

However, if you are an advanced user and are looking for something specific to add to your repertoire feel free to dive in and skip to any sections you’d like to focus on.

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  1. Eri2020 February 28 17:03
    The files are about video editing, not evironment design.
    Any chances that you could upload the correct tutorial?
  2. Guest testnaut2020 March 5 21:40
    Not only are they the wrong files, but they're not even opening as what they're supposed to be.
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