Skillshare – How To Draw Faces | Female Heads: Downward and Upward Angles – Side View

Author Alex
1 560
Skillshare – How To Draw Faces | Female Heads: Downward and Upward Angles – Side View

Skillshare – How To Draw Faces | Female Heads: Downward and Upward Angles – Side View

In this class you’ll learn how to draw the female head, face and facial features from the top down, and bottom up side views.

These two angles are extremely difficult to draw the female face on because they completely warp the proportions and shape of the head, as well as the placement of the facial features.

If not for our ability to simplify the head’s structure and facial features, it’d be incredibly hard to comprehend how the female face might look when drawn in these more dynamic perspectives.

The first thing you’ll learn in this class is how to sketch up the foundational structure of the female head, define the length of the face and plot out the placement of the facial features. This fundamental structure will help us to determine how big the head will be, where it’ll be placed on the page and the perspective it’ll be presented in.

From there we’ll have all we need to begin sketching in the facial features, neck anatomy and the hair style we’d like to give our female heads. At this stage our greatest considerations will be the shape of the face and the facial features themselves which will be skewed due to foreshortening that occurs when as the head is turned in space.

After the basic outline has been drawn in, it’s time to move onto the rendering and detailing stage. In these final stages we’ll use crosshatches to describe the major forms throughout the face and hair with varying levels of tone. We’ll also refine the major contours with slick, sharp, energetic line weights.

With the line weights and rendering combined we’ll be able to incorporate a much higher degree of depth and dimension, giving the final presentation an increased level of quality and professionalism.

Finally, we’ll address the mistakes and mishaps made along the way to ensure the best outcome possible for our head drawings. In this last lesson I’ll show you how I correct the errors in my work and talk about the importance of having a proactive attitude when it comes to fixing the flaws in your drawings.

I hope that you enjoy this class and gain a ton of insight from what you’re about to learn. Thanks for watching, and until next time – keep on creating and keep on practicing.

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