Author Alex
Motion Squared – V-Ray Fabric Texture Pack for Cinema 4D
Includes Fabric, Leather, Wool, Textiles, Denim, Cotton, Carpet textures and more! The textures are all 4K resolution which means amazing quality and great close up detail. Made with calibrated PBR maps for better and more realistic renders (Diffuse, Normal, Displacement, & Specular).
Author Alex
Motion Squared – V-Ray Tiles Texture Pack for Cinema 4D
Various presets such as Wall, Floor, Decorative, Interior & exterior tiles. Great for architectural rendering and visualization. The textures are all 4K resolution which means amazing quality and great close up detail. Made with calibrated PBR maps for better and more realistic renders (Diffuse, Normal, Displacement, & Specular).
Author Alex
Motion Squared – V-Ray Marble Texture Pack for Cinema 4D
A collection of various marble textures for V-Ray in Cinema 4D. The textures are all 4K resolution which means amazing quality and great close up detail. Made with calibrated PBR maps for better and more realistic renders (Diffuse, Normal, Displacement, & Specular). Real displacement maps for real physical bump and depth.
Author Alex
Motion Squared – V-Ray Wood Texture Pack for Cinema 4D
Various presets such as normal wood, floor planks, fences, wood tiles etc. The textures are all 4K resolution which means amazing quality and great close up detail. Made with calibrated PBR maps for better and more realistic renders (Diffuse, Normal, Displacement, & Specular).
Author Alex
Motion Squared – V-Ray Roads and Pavements Texture Pack for Cinema 4D
Roads, Dirt Roads, Bare Asphalt and Cracked Asphalt and various pavement and sidewalk tiles in different styles, shapes and colors. The textures are all 4K resolution which means amazing quality and great close up detail. Made with calibrated PBR maps for better and more realistic renders (Diffuse, Normal, Displacement, & Specular).
Author Alex
Motion Squared – V-Ray Ground and Dirt Texture Pack for Cinema 4D
Includes Dirt, Cracked Dirt, Gravel, Mud, Sand, Dessert, Vegetation, Grass & Moss textures. The textures are all 4K resolution which means amazing quality and great close up detail. Made with calibrated PBR maps for better and more realistic renders (Diffuse, Normal, Displacement, & Specular).
Author Alex
Motion Squared – V-Ray Metal Texture Pack for Cinema 4D
This pack includes various metal such as Gold, Copper, Chrome, Galvanized Steel, Brushed Metal, Brass, Diamond plate patterns. This pack also has a section with highly detail custom surface and pattern designs that will make any texture look more interesting. The textures are all 4K Resolution which means amazing quality and great close up detail.
Author Alex
Motion Squared – V-Ray Stone Texture Pack for Cinema 4D
A collection of various stone stone textures, divided into two main groups, natural stone and masonry style stone. The textures are all 4K resolution which means amazing quality and great close up detail. Made with calibrated PBR maps for better and more realistic renders (Diffuse, Normal, Displacement, & Specular).
Author Alex
Motion Squared – V-Ray Brick Texture Pack for Cinema 4D
A collection of various brick textures. New bricks, old brick, smooth bricks, rough, clean, dirty, dark, light – This pack has them all. Great for architectural rendering and visualization.
Author Alex
Udemy – 3ds Max + VRay: Materials Masterclass
MP4 1280x720 | 2h 50m | ENG | 488 MB
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