Author Alex
Skillshare – Unreal Engine 4 – (Multiplayer) Steam Shooter Style Game Phase III
In phase III class, we setup the player health and we create 2 ways of displaying the health to the players, 1 in the lower left of the HUD, and in a tag above the players head in game.
Author Alex
Skillshare – Make 3 Beautiful 3D Wallpapers in Cinema 4D – Vol 1 – Vol 2 – and Vol 3
In this class you will learn how to efficiently create beautiful 3D wallpapers in cinema 4D in very little time and with very little effort. You will create 3 different wallpapers in less than 1 hour.
Author Alex
Skillshare – Learn Cinema 4D – Create Abstract 3D Design Elements – Shape 2
This is the second course, in a series of four, where you'll learn how to create abstract 3D design elements. These types of shapes are excellent design elements for graphic designers and motion designers. You can use them for both 3D and 2D workflows.
Author Alex
Skillshare – Photo Editing With Adobe's Photoshop Express Editor
Do you want to edit an image for your business or a client? Do you want a greater understand of how to use Adobe's free software tool Photoshop Express Editor? Discover how to use Adobe's free software tool Photoshop Express Editor to create better images for your business or clients.
Author Alex
Skillshare – Create Final Cut Pro X Transitions in Motion 5
Create Final Cut Pro X Transitions in Apple Motion 5. You can be either a beginner or advance user with Apple Motion 5. You get to learn a specific skill without having to spend so much time going through other unnecessary details about Motion 5 that you probably don't need at this time.
Author Alex
Skillshare – Adobe Premiere Pro – Video Editing
What if you could edit your video using Premiere Pro? This course will teach students video editing using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. The video editing course provides an overview of the video editing workspace, importing files, editing tools and exporting the final video.
Author Alex
Skillshare – Digital Illustration: 10 Flat Design Trees in Adobe Illustrator
Hey, here I will share with you how to create a tree in 10 different ways. It's an easy step by step process and it's created for practice, inspiration and implementation for your illustration, animation, game design, background, etc
Author Alex
Skillshare – Design Stunning Shirts In Photoshop With 10 Different Projects
This course is designed to make learning easy for beginners! I'm here to help, so if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me!
Author Alex
Skillshare –  How to Edit a Video in Davinci Resolve 16
In this class we will cover the fundamentals of editing a video inside of Davinci Resolve 16. Not only will we cover the technical aspects of achieving this in the software but also some of the more creative decisions behind why we are doing some of the edits.
Author Alex
Skillshare – Poster Design : Gradient Modern Style
On this class you will learn about Poster Art. This is an experimental poster with gradients and geometric shapes. Also I will show you where you can get some resources and use it for your artwork. We will start on Cinema4D to create some 3D landscapes, and then move to Photoshop to be creative and add colors to the poster. It will be a fun project to learn Photoshop and a few tools in Cinema4D.
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