Author Alex
Phoenix FD 4.41 for 3DS Max 2018-2022 (+Vray 5) Win x64
Versatile dynamics simulator that seamlessly integrates with Autodesk 3ds Max and V-Ray.
Author Alex
PhoenixFD Liquid Simulation Course 2.0
After an amazing response to the tyFlow Basecamp & Deepdive, I’m bringing the same course format to Chaos Phoenix. Follow me along step-by-step as we cover a wide range of simulation scenarios, including an in-depth look at foam & bubble simulations, delicious viscous liquids, melting, freezing, and other condition-based effects using the Particle Tuner, interaction with tyFlow, liquid morphing & other forces, RGB mixing, Wetmaps,
Author Alex
Redefine FX – TyFlow DeepDive
Expand your knowledge of 3D simulations & particle effects with 55+ new lessons, including a huge chapter on tyActors (generate crowds, animated characters, & ragdolls, combine multiple animations, blow them away with an explosion, destroy or catch them with ropes…), VDBs (generating volumes from objects & particles), custom properties (use custom floats, color particles by size, speed, age…), use textures to drive simulation
Author Alex
Chaos Group Phoenix FD 4.0 for 3ds Max 2015-2020 Win
Chaos Group Phoenix FD 4.0 for 3ds Max 2015-2020 Win | Phoenix FD 3 for 3ds Max is now available. Phoenix FD for 3ds Max has been given a full makeover, with new intuitive controls, presets and GPU-accelerated previews, making it a fast and easy way to tackle tight deadlines. With its new FLIP liquid solver and improved smoke and fire solver, Phoenix FD is now more powerful and able to bring more realism to visual effects projects.
Author Alex
Phoenix FD 4.00.00 for Maya 2015 to 2018 Win
Phoenix FD 4.00.00 for Maya 2015 to 2018 Win | Phoenix FD is the all-in-one fluid dynamics plugin for Maya. Simulate realistic fire, smoke, liquids, ocean waves, splashes, spray, mist and more
Author Alex
Phoenix FD v3.40.00 for 3ds Max 2015 to 2020 Win x64
Phoenix FD 3.40.00 for 3ds Max 2015 to 2020 Win x64 | Phoenix FD for 3ds Max has been given a full makeover, with new intuitive controls, presets and GPU-accelerated previews, making it a fast and easy way to tackle tight deadlines. With its new FLIP liquid solver and improved smoke and fire solver, Phoenix FD is now more powerful and able to bring more realism to visual effects projects.
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