Title: The Gnomon Workshop - Grooming in Yeti - Hair Solutions for an Animation Pipeline with Victor J Garza DESCRIPTION: This animation workshop by Victor Javier Garza, Hair & Cloth Lead in the film and TV industry, introduces how Yeti can be used to create convincing hair for use in a professional animation pipeline. Over 21 chapters, Victor reveals how Yeti’s tools go far beyond simply grooming hair while providing all the steps needed to
Learn how to rig character faces and bring them to life! Upon completion of this 8-week class, students will have a full understanding of how to create a functional, animator-friendly, character face rig that’s ready for a close-up on the big screen!
What you’ll learn: Animation, Polygon Modeling, Texturing, Rigging, Lighting, Digital Sculpting, Rendering. Master Maya, 3DSMax, Mudbox, and techniques you can use in any 3D application! Create professional quality assets for your portfolios, games, and animations. Create your own 3D prints or VR worlds.
3D Palace – The Pariah By Cris Robson | 8.6 GB
MP4 1920x1080 | 5h 24m | ENG | Project Files | 3.63 GB
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