Author Alex
Bricsys BricsCAD Ultimate Win x64
Bricsys BricsCAD Ultimate Win x64 | A powerful CAD platform, with features familiar to you from native .dwg applications. BricsCAD® unifies advanced 2D design with the intelligence of 3D direct modeling. For Windows. BricsCAD offers CAD features familiar from other .dwg programs, and then adds timesaving tools and 3D direct modeling. With BricsCAD, you get more for less.
Author Alex
CorelCAD 2021.0 Build Win/Mac (x32/x64)
CorelCAD 2021.0 Build Win/Mac (x32/x64) | The professional, affordable and simplified CAD software. Experience a simplified CAD workflow using the professional, time-saving tools in CorelCAD™ 2021. Collaboration is easy with full native .DWG file format support. Leverage the enhanced 2D drafting functionality, advanced 3D modeling tools, and .STL support to elevate design efficiency and optimize output.
Author Alex
VectorWorks 2021 SP2.1 Win x64
Vectorworks line of software solutions in the CAD industry, which allows designers to promote their ideas, best practices offer. The app includes those users including architects, interior designers, landscape designers and product designers and furniture, as well as students who are ready to start your letter. The application of the most common is the most significant engineering design software maps. This application is a two and
Author Alex
Cadaplus APLUS 20.121 Win
APLUS is the largest AutoCAD add-on with more than 2500 functions! For more than 10 years it has constantly been developed by our team of architects who are also programmers. This synergy made it possible to deliver a dedicated response to the real needs of designers, architects, engineers and other users of computer-aided design software.
Author Alex
BricsCAD Ultimate Win x64
BricsCAD Ultimate Win x64 | A powerful CAD platform, with features familiar to you from native .dwg applications. BricsCAD unifies advanced 2D design with the intelligence of 3D direct modeling. For Windows. BricsCAD offers CAD features familiar from other .dwg programs, and then adds timesaving tools and 3D direct modeling. With BricsCAD, you get more for less.
Author Alex
Udemy – Autodesk Tinkercad: 3d Design From Zero To Hero
The innovative cloud-based CAD and rendering software with Tinkercad, you will meet the advantages of working independently from space and time. Tinkercad is an easy to use, free application for 3D design, electronics and coding. It has nothing to download and is extremely easy to get started. Used by teachers, children, hobbyists and designers to imagine, design and make everything come true!
Author Alex
eDrawings Pro Suite Revision v16.12.2020 Win x64
eDrawings software is suitable for sharing CAD files in compressed format and get feedback from users. The program in the form of a plug-in environment code, such as AutoCAD, Pro Engineer and Salydvrk added and you can render output project under compression format eDrawings e-mail and other ways to connect with others to share to their opinions about know product design. This product can work in teams to conference co-operate on product design.
Author Alex
ActCAD Professional 2021 v10.0.1447 WIN x64
ActCAD Professional 2021 v10.0.1447 WIN x64 | ActCAD is a 2D Drafting and 3D Modeling CAD software meant for Engineers, Architects and other technical consultants. ActCAD is a native DWG & DXF CAD software to create and edit drawings. ActCAD uses IntelliCAD engine, Open Design Alliance DWG/DXF Libraries, ACIS 3D Modeling Kernel and many other Technologies. In-addition, ActCAD has many add-on commands, features and other Productivity Tools.
Author Alex
GstarCAD 2021 Professional Build 201015 Win x64
GstarCAD 2021 optimized edition comes with new and improved features to shorten different tasks efficiently. In this version users can create, modify, and save workspaces at will, check spelling of a current mtext, flexibility for import layouts to a sheet set file, verify the real scale of viewports created on layout space, redefine inserted blocks from design center and more enhancements available.
Author Alex
CADprofi 2021.01 Build 201109 Win x64
CADprofi 2021.01 Build 201109 Win x64 | CADprofi Suite helps in designing architectural and mechanical projects, as well as plumbing and electrical installations
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