Author Alex
Gumroad – Introduction to Blender 2.8 by Jama Jurabaev
Blender is fantastic and this is the right time to learn it! This tutorial is the first chapter of Blender 2.8 tutorial series. The entry point for those who starting out or migrating from other 3D packages. I start from very basics and show how to achieve a very decent render using simple tools in Blender 2.8.
Author Alex
Udemy – Learn the Basics of Blender in Just 30 Minutes!
Blender is the most exciting 3D modeling program to many, especially because it's completely free and open-source. In this course I will teach you the basics of this software. We take a look at modeling, rendering, animation, and more.
Author Alex
Introduction to Blender 2.8
Learn Blender 2.8 in the fastest way possible. In this two-part series, you’ll learn both how Blender works and also how to use it for professional projects.
Author Alex
Skillshare – Blender 2.8 – Darth Vader 3D Character Creation
Learn subsurf modeling to create the parts of the character (Helmet, Mask, Chest Armor) | Create realistic metal and glass materials with simple node setups (Black Metal, Grey Metal, Silver Metal, Black Glass) | Add objects with emission shader as lighting around the character | Setup the camera and create some quick renders to find your favourite camera angle | Create a high quality 4K rendering with Blenders path tracing render engine Cycles
Author Alex
Skillshare – Blender 2.8 for interior design and architecture
In this training you will see how to create interior designs, ie to create the interior of a room or the interior of a house from beginning to end. I will teach you how to use all the essential extensions for this with Measureit, Archimesh or Archipack. After mastering the different elements of the extensions, you will work on projects, namely the complete creation of the interior of a room with Archimesh and the complete creation of a house
Author Alex
Blender Market – Slash – Onion Skinning Tool v.1.0.1
Onion skinning is a technique used by animators to see multiple frames at once. By using this technique, artists can easily see how to alter or adjust an image based on the previous image in the sequence. This technique is very useful for 3d animators to see previous animation frames or the later frames at once as well.
Author Alex
Blender Market – Asset Sketcher v2.0 RC2
Asset Sketcher is a blender addon that lets you paint objects directly into your scene. If you are a level designer or love to create scenes with lots of details, this will be the perfect addon for you. Asset Sketcher lets you populate your scene very quickly. With a variety of settings you can randomize how assets are added to your scene. With some intuitive short cuts you can delete and pick objects directly from your scene, which gives you
Author Alex
Gumroad – Object Paint v.1.0.1 for Blender 2.8
Gumroad – Object Paint v.1.0.1 for Blender 2.8 | Object painter - allows to draw by selected objects on visible scene objects
Author Alex
Gumroad – The Cliff Tower Fantasy – Blender 3D – Full course
Based on the concept from Corentin Chevanne, Learn how to create a marvelous fantasy house and its environement exclusively with Blender 3D.
Author Alex
Blender Market – Pivot Transform v1.2.5 and 1.3.5
The addon helps you to change the position of the pivot point as the van is needed. You can align it to the normals of the desired polygon, rotate and move it, or place it in the center of the object and 3d cursor. Addon brings all the necessary functions to the fore, for your convenience.
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