Allegorithmic Substance Painter 2017.1.0.1661 Win x64

Author Alex
2 564
Allegorithmic Substance Painter 2017.1.0.1661 Win x64

Substance Painter, this is a graphical program for professionals, as well as novice users, designed to create and overlay all sorts of textures on objects and models, editing that would give objects and 3d models not ordinary, or realistic properties and textures. Create unique characters, for movies, clips, advertising projects, or games. Add unique properties and textures, your characters and objects, as professionals around the world do, when creating the most popular movies. Video games, etc. The functional of the program is intended for working with 3d graphics and other forms and objects.

Features of Substance Painter:

• Painting materials in real time
Select a brush, select and customize the material, and then start drawing! Each smear is applied immediately to all channels and it is done instantly. You can paint several materials on the same grid, with each card up to 4K resolution.
• The next generation of the viewport
Allows you to preview the drawing result in a new physically correct (PBR) viewport for accurate interaction with materials. Create great images of your creations using one of the best optical effects technologies (Yebis 2 from Silicon Studio), which allows you to add anti-aliasing, color correction, depth-of-field, glare, glow (Bloom) and many others.
• Brushes of particles
Throw dirt, fire or even rain on the object and see how realistic real-time weather effects unfold! Particles can paint any material, you can also change the brushes. And with the help of the editor from Popcorn FX >> users can create their own brushes.
• Using any shader
Import your shaders and create your own channels for drawing. You can also use ready shaders, such as the standard physically correct shader PBR (Physically-Based Shader) or one of the non-photorealistic shaders, the 'cartoon' shader (Toon shader).
• Effects and Brushes Substance
Use your own or ready-made masks and Substance effects to layers and mask layers to create realistic aging effects or weather effects. Color Substance materials (parametric textures) on the model, adjusting their parameters to get the desired type (or color your imported materials).
• The next generation of 2D drawing
We represent the two-dimensional mode with shadows and freely rotated canvas, and seamless 2D-drawing. Combines the best of both worlds - the integrity of 3D drawing and the convenience of a flexible 2D mode.
• Reversible workflow
The user can change the resolution any time, and the Substance Painter will almost immediately recalculate each stroke. Switch your UV set and the strokes will automatically be reprojected (you do not need to have a perfect UV set for drawing!).
• A shelf
Substance Painter provides rich libraries of sets of materials, customizable tools and effects, which makes the possibilities endless. Users can also import and organize their sets on the shelf.
• Single stack of materials
Tired of the endless layers of the stack? Combine all the maps in one layer and edit them all at once or separately.

Fixes added to this version:

[Mac] Wacom tablet input broken in 3D and 2D view
[Bakers] Matching by name doesn't work anymore
[Bakers] "Average Normals" setting doesn't work anymore
[Iray] Incorrect rendering with missing baked normal map
[Iray] Color Profiles behave differently in comparison to OpenGL renderer
[Iray] Exporting render as bitmap doesn't include color profile correction
[Substance] Material filters don't work anymore
[Tool] Stroke opacity isn't stored in brush presets
[Tool] Clone Brush UV Alignment doesn't work anymore
[Export] Displacement channel should be centered in 0.5 when exporting in integer
[Template] Absolute path is stored in Templates
[TextureSet] Channel texture persist after removing the channel

Known Issue :
[Linux] Wacom tablet input don't work in 3D and 2D view
[Mac] Particles can create texture corruption in some cases
[Export] In very rare case, black rectangles can appear on AMD GPUs

System requirements:

OS: Windows 7/8/10 - 64 bit
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: VRAM 1GB
DirectX: Version 10
Hard Drive: 150 MB available space (+500 MB per project)
Additional Notes: Integrated GPU are not recommended

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