Digital Vision Loki v2017.1.004 Win x64

Author Alex
1 673
Digital Vision Loki v2017.1.004 Win x64

Downlolad new Digital Vision Loki v2017.1.004 for Windows 64-bit

Automation Software for web managed and unattended image processing. Loki gives access to the Digital Vision range of image processing tools, and allows for automated, web managed and unattended processing of any volume of file based material. The most flexible image processing software available
The widest range of image processing algorithms to solve your image problems.

Industry leading Standards conversion
Developed over 25 years, Digital Vision’s motion compensated technology provides the finest image quality when converting to and from any frame rate.

Superior Up conversion
The highest quality algorithm available for any resolution including 4K and above!

Fits into your workflows with ease
Loki’s versatility offers multiple configurable watch folders as well as an API to provide 3rd party control.

Expandable from one to many nodes to increase throughput and performance. Loki is upgradable to meet your technical challenges and grow with your business.

Wide range of supported file formats
Whatever your requirements, Loki provides file I/O compatibilty familiar to your exisiting workflows.

Features & Options
Loki is the ultimate solution for file based image processing tasks, combining over 25 years of research and development into a cost-effective, versatile and scalable software solution.
Leading image processing tools
Loki provides the world’s best suite of image processing algorithms that can be easily configured to create broadcast, post production and archive workflow solutions such as standards conversion, format conversion, noise reduction, digital camera image repair, restoration and more. With over 20 advanced tools to choose from, the workflow possibilities are endless...
Watch folders
Set up drop folders for automated processing to one or more outputs.
Configurable presets
Create presets for use in different workflows. Presets are created and shared across all nodes across the network.
Preview effects
See a video preview of the resulting images before committing to the export.
Audio passthrough/export
Whether pass-through or retime , import and export a range of audio formats including WAV, MXF audio, and Quicktime Audio.
FTP upload
Automatic upload of completed exports to FTP.
Burn in capability
Comprehensive options for text, timecode, and logo burn in.
Pre-export file analysis
Metadata and analytics to assist processing decisions prior to export.
Email alerting
Detailed email reporting to multiple addresses upon job completion.
Job scheduling
Loki’s advanced control allows for scheduled start times and prioritisation of jobs to maximise usage efficiency of new and existing infrastructure.
Network node capability
Loki seamlessly and easily scales over the power of multiple nodes to increase throughput and speed of exports.
Usage reporting
Export job details in CSV and TXT file formats to assist in techncial analysis and billing.
RAW format support
Loki accepts an extensive range of camera RAW formats and takes advantage of the optional and unique de-bayer enhancement tools.
Pre-export file analysis
Metadata and analytics to assist processing decisions prior to export.
Email alerting
Detailed email reporting to multiple addresses upon job completion.
Combine multple files
Choose multiple input video files and combine them into a single exported file.

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