Autodesk Maya 2018.3 Multilangual Win x64

Author Alex
3 638
Autodesk Maya 2018.3 Multilangual Win x64

New Autodesk Maya 2018.3 Multilangual for free download

A cross-platform and comprehensive suite of tools for 3D modeling, animation and rendering specially designed for game developers and film makers. Autodesk Maya is a fully-featured professional 3D modeling, animation, rendering and composing solution that provides a wide variety of features and dynamic tools to simulate fluids, cloth, particles and hair.

This release includes major workflow upgrades with new tools like the Time Editor, which is a comprehensive tool for creating and editing clip-based non-linear animation. Similarly, our new Render Setup system simplifies the management of complex scenes with shot-based overrides and templates. In addition, grooming all types of hair and fur in XGen is easier and faster using new Interactive Groom Splines, which includes a set of intuitive brush-based tools (used in the image above). Finally, the new Content Browser, and new Workspaces capabilities let you personalize Maya.

And, don’t miss our new Motion Graphics features, including the 3D Type Tool, the SVG Tool, and the MASH Procedural Effects Toolkit to create versatile motion design animations.
Note: Maya 2017 includes all the updates from previous extension releases.

Whats New in Autodesk´s Maya 2018:
1 - Improvement of Maya Software and hardware for rendering: If Autodesk has a renderer that doesn´t renders any new feature and needs to buy another one that also requires extra licenses to work without watermarks, what they really should do is develope its own powerfull renderer, insteed of having a renderer "just in case" wich no one uses.
2 - Faster loading of files: Maya 2016 loaded files twice faster than Maya 2017.
3 - Free batch render with Arnold: this sound more like a dream, but hey... Dorothy went back to Kansas; how you sell Maya as a final product? that´s a total lie, shame on you Autodesk.
4 - Faster dynamics for hair and ncloth: at the moment creating a hair description with interactive grooming, even if the hairs have not been animated the time slider is affected by xgen like if they were animated.
5 - Faster Wrap deformer: while working with tight cloth, wrap deformer does 10 times a better work than bind and doesn´t requires infinite hours to correct weights, binding cloth and copy weights and correcting weights is a real waist of time, wrap deformer does an awesome job but the price is a slower timeslider, this is a problem asked to be fixed since more than 5 years and never got solved, wrap deformer still slow to edit and to animate
6 - Improved bind, and paint weights tool: Autodesk tried to fix this claim by adding Delta Mush, but the reality is that Delta mush affects all the figure, while paint weights its a more precise tool, its a boring, long, time consuming process, Maya should replace completly this tool for a better, faster way of working, you might simply create vertex masks and apply them to selected joint and blending bettwen them, this will avoid automatic bind to select other mesh parts and prevent hours of correcting weights.
7 - Improved joints: since 2015 joints got a bit of an improvement, but since many designers create flexi sistems, and more complex ways of rigging, Maya should already had improved joints to be able to streach, follow next or previous joint off and on, etc.
8 - a far modern workspace: panels could autohide to enable a larger viewport, the view cube should work on any viewport, pressing space could create a cooler multimenu, etc.
9 - Open multi projects on a same session at the same time: Maya excuses this by saying that you could easily open many Maya sesions at the same time, but the reality is that you need a lot of memory to handle several Maya sesions at the same time, and having a simple menu that enables to change from one project to the other would be great and wont require that much memory as opening Maya 10 times.
10 - Pose editor to work with any object: just think about the power of this tool, if it could interpolate not just binded meshes, but between meshes, nurvs, without joints, this could be the future of rigging since you already make an object to change its shape based on the movement of another one.

Download Autodesk Maya 2018.3 Multilangual for Win x64 (register to see links):
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  1. Guest Oliver2018 May 18 22:29
    You spoil me alex and Sonya!!!!!!
  2. JhonJoe
    jhonjoe2018 August 18 04:32
    THIS programs is cracked?

    this program is cracked?
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