Maxon Cinema 4D Studio R18.057 Retail Win/Mac

Author Alex
3 870
Maxon Cinema 4D Studio R18.057 Retail Win/Mac

The new version of Maxon Cinema 4D Studio R18.057 Retail for Windows and Mac, which you can download on our website.

Cinema 4D Release 18 provides new unique tools for CG artists and animators and makes VFX workflows available to everyone. Game-level designers and visualization professionals take advantage of new features, and improvements in workflow, modeling, animation and new shader capabilities help Cinema 4D artists move to a new level of creativity.

Test the new "Voronoi Fracture" object, with which you can easily simulate the destruction of walls. The tool allows you to systematically destroy any object in procedural fragments, using almost all the parameters for controlling the distribution of broken pieces. Create an artistic procedural geometry using splines, objects, or polygonal particles. Voronoi faults are always "live", which means that you can change the elements at any convenient time. Like the native MoGraph object, it works without problems with Dynamics and all the effectors and slumps that you like.

After downloading Cinema 4D Release 18, you can also try the new functionality of interactive knives. The new Line Cut tool allows you to draw cuts on one or even several objects and configure them "on the fly" using interactive preview. Then you can lock new edges, delete parts or split objects based on the cuts that you made. With the new Plane Cut tool, you can create new edges using the Local, World or Camera axes, or draw lines to define a plane and adjust the position and rotation of the cut digitally or using the viewport manipulator. The Loop / Path Cut tool creates symmetrical loops or paths based on a proportional or absolute distance to the surrounding edges and preserves the curvature when creating new edges. All three new tools are available as separate commands, so you can easily access the desired mode using a shortcut or the Commander tool.

The Tracker object allows you to integrate your clips made in Cinema 4D into real-world frames with object tracking. This capability is the next step in the MAXON team's efforts to make VFX workflows and tools available to all users. Now you can easily restore the movement of the camera and any number of objects to convert a video file into a 3D world. Add custom 2D tracks for the main functions of the object and assign them to the Tracker object - then restore the object based on only the tracks or using the reference geometry. Now you can easily integrate any number of 3D objects into real-world frames. Create your own blockbusters with exciting effects!

Among other innovations Cinema 4D Release 18, it is worth noting the new shaders and shading options that offer advanced rendering capabilities. With the Thin Film shader, you can play rainbow effects and simulate the effect of bubbles and oil stains, or simply add fingerprints and oily residues to any surface. Inverse occlusion of the environment can be used to create masks for worn edges or simulate subsurface scattering, in order to obtain faster rendering results. The Shadow Catcher shader offers a convenient way to capture shadows and occlusion of the surrounding space from 3D objects so that they can be easily assembled on real frames.

After downloading Cinema 4D, you get a quick and intuitive workflow, and version 18 offers new tools with well-organized and easy-to-learn interfaces. Developers of this wonderful software have updated Cinema 4D as effectively as possible with improved viewing capabilities, including Screen Space Ambient Occlusion, Viewes Tessellation for Displacement and a preview mode for multi-layered reflection.

The medicine and installation and activation instructions are included

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  1. Louis2017 August 19 05:22
    Link broke!! Replace please!
    1. Sonya2017 August 19 13:52
      Ok, a little bit later.
  2. Abhiroop2018 March 25 18:18
    Are the links fixed?
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