RPManager v7.24 for 3ds Max 2013-2022 Win x64

Author Alex
2 173
RPManager v7.24 for 3ds Max 2013-2022 Win x64

RPManager v7.24 for 3ds Max 2013-2022 Win x64

RPManager is an extension for Autodesk 3dsmax which makes the task of managing multiple render passes from a single scene file efficient and user-error free.

RPManager Major Features
RPManager's extensive feature list is the result of being developed in a production environment, and has a production-user-driven development path.

Interactive and Integrated Pass Management system - single click restoration of complete pass setup.
Unlimited Render Output setups (passes) per 3dsmax scene:
Each pass supports individual
· Output Path, Frame Range, Resolution, Options, etc.
· Camera Assignment
· Multipass Camera Effect settings
· Renderer Parameters (including 3rd party renderers)
· Network submission priorities
· Render Effects
· Atmospherics
· Background Color, Background Map and enabled state, Ambient Light
· Network Submission Priorities

Visibility Set System - build and manage object visibility sets for use with RPManager, assigned on a per pass basis, with tools for quickly adding/removing/redefining visibility sets. Objects can be members of multiple sets.

Object properties per pass, includes Capture Sets with Material Override per pass. Properties include all standard object/light/camera properties ie material, visible to camera, light multiplier, etc (82 default properties supported). as well as support for 3rd party object properties if maxscript access exists. Ability to enter manual properties to support advanced features like Custom Attribute values per pass (value and color supported - baseobject custom attributes).

Render Parameter Warning System - Configurable, warns for:
missing output path, duplicate output path, unusual frame ranges (Nth frame, single frames, <5 frames, skip existing on), mixed frame ranges, non-black or almost black background, animated background/ambient color, mixed output sizes, Visibility Set assignment potential problems, pass suspended, among others.

3rd-Party Renderer support - tested and has specific support for Brazil, Vray, MentalRay and FinalRender Stage1. Other renderers should work fine, but with no custom RPM renderer rollout (uses the main max render dialog for parameter editing).

3rd-Party Renderer, multiple pass parameter editing - where MXS access is available, this is a custom rollout exposing a number of the renderer's parameters to allow editing multiple passes renderer parameters simultaneously. Parameters not in this rollout can be edited in the standard rendering dialog on a pass by pass basis

3rd-Party Network Rendering Manager support - in addtion to Discreets Backburner you can submit jobs to Deadline (Frantic Films software), Rush (Seriss), or Smedge2 (Uberware).

Before/After pass scripts - to take care of any custom or special parameters on a per-pass basis, or to perform any scripted function.

Xrefs Scene settings per pass - includes material override for xref scenes and alternate paths per pass. Material override has proved to be extremely useful in production.

Xrefs Scene Deferred Loading - xrefs are disabled in the working scene to speed opening and interactivity, and are enabled only by the netrendering server when the scene is opened to render, so the user need never wait for heavy xrefs to load.

Preview override system for efficient preview renders with select rendering options disabled, ie camera multipass effect off, lower resolution frame, advanced lighting off, shadows off, AntiAliasing off, (optional) visual indicator of preview mode rendered in the image. Overrides for 3rd Party Renderers such as Brazil and Vray include GI disable, reduced GI rate, DOF disable, motionblur disable, AA rate, shadows disable, among others. Network or local render output can optionally use these settings for rendering preview sequences.

Preview History: user configurable number of history items (rendered preview frames) and location for preview history. Preview frames can include optional info stamp - scene name, time/date, render time.

Compatibility: 3ds max 2013 - 2022

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