Unity Asset – Old Town

Author Sonya
1 233
Unity Asset – Old Town

Unity Asset – Old Town

Old Town brings an old fashioned city vibe to a modern world. Dressed up streets and ornate props help bring this quaint area to life. 3 distinct building styles with over 40 modular components to them, mixed with our custom shaders, makes sure that this pack has longevity as you can mix and match to makes 100s of building looks. The modular road set comes with unique look of bricks and cobblestone and over 70 props to help fill the streets. The pack also comes with seasonal looks and weather changes to help give the setting a variety of moods. We have provided 4 scenes to help demonstrate this. A great starter pack for any world in the need of a cute old style district.

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Buildings. Old Town is a old modern styled town. kitted out with modular building parts with both exterior and interior modular pieces for you to optimize and construct your scenes to how you like them. We have 3 different district building styles for you to bring your scene to life. This pack comes with 4 demo scenes, Autumn, Day, Night and Winter scenes to show you the variety this pack can offer in different seasons.

Props. This pack comes with 70+ Props in the style of Old town for you to quickly add that extra detail to your scenes, some of these props vary from planters and sewer grates, patio furniture and fire escapes, storefronts and even Christmas lights.

LUT Post Processing. This pack comes with 4 LUT for both Autumn, Day, Night and Winter. you can use these with many tools such as Amplify Color to get the exact color grading as shown.

Shaders. We've also included our very own custom shaders in this pack. Here are the shader details and full details on the shader can be found in the reademe in the Old Town folder in the Package.
Asset Details:
  • Current Version: 1.0
  • More Info: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/old-town-80679

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