Unity Asset Bundle 1 – December 2017

Author Alex
7 779
Unity Asset Bundle 1 – December 2017

Unity Asset Bundle 1 – December 2017


Voxel Terrain v10 - https://forum.unity.com/threads/terrainengine-voxel-terrain-smooth-cubic-2d-hexagonal-infinite-procedural-terrain.174595/
MMO RPG Camera Controller 3.5 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/camera/mmo-rpg-camera-controller-4208
Fantasy Heroes: Character Editor Pro 1.8 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/characters/fantasy-heroes-character-editor-pro-90592
Voxeland v5.2.0 - http://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/9180
Adventure Creator v1.60.4
Third Person Motion Controller 2.69 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/third-person-motion-controller-15672
MegaSplat 1.6 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/terrain/megasplat-76166
Critias Foliage System 1.2.1 - http://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/99233
Advanced FPS Counter - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/gui/advanced-fps-counter-14656
uNature GPU Grass and Interactable Trees 2.3 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/unature-gpu-grass-and-interactable-trees-43129
Mesh Maker 2.9 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/modeling/mesh-maker-11625
Shader Forge 1.38 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/visual-scripting/shader-forge-14147
Relief Terrain Pack v3.3j
TENKOKU Dynamic Sky 1.1.7 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/particles-effects/tenkoku-dynamic-sky-34435
RpgCharacter Mecanim Animation Pack 3.9 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/animations/rpg-character-mecanim-animation-pack-63772
Lighting Box 2 v2.5 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/lighting-box-2-next-gen-lighting-solution-93057
Obi Rope 3.2 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/physics/obi-rope-55579
Amplify Shader 1.3.9 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/visual-scripting/amplify-shader-editor-68570
Bolt 1.2.1 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/visual-scripting/bolt-87491
ForestVision v2.3 - http://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/vegetation/forestvision-59910
Asset Details:
  • Current Version: N/A
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  1. HappyMeat2017 December 1 13:39
    It's so sad that there are nothing news about UE4 :C
  2. Another Dude2017 December 5 05:06
    Can't download it, need to be premium to download...
  3. Joe Cocker2017 December 8 20:04
    How do I download this things?
    1. Sonya2017 December 8 21:15
      Get primium and download all at maximum speed.
      1. Joe Cocker2017 December 10 17:04
        If I could afford a premium account I'd probably download the legit asset instead.
        1. Sonya2017 December 10 17:14
          You must be kidding. Paying 10 dollars for a premium you get assets for hundreds of dollars.
          1. James2017 December 27 15:22
            Really true!
  4. Talita2017 December 16 00:33
    Awesome share, thank you so much. Downloaded everything and its working fine.

    Kindly please consider uploading these assets as well in your next share. Would really love to test these assets before purchasing from the creators.

    Platformer PRO
    Rex Engine: Classic 2D Platformer Engine
    Third Person Controller - Shooter Template by Invector
    Smooth Save for PlayMaker
    Easy Save - The Complete Save & Load Asset
    Realistic FPS Prefab
    Advanced Sniper Starter Kit
    UFPS : Ultimate FPS
    Anti-Cheat Toolkit
    Simple IAP System
  5. John2017 December 28 01:41
    Can I please request 2D Desert Pack by Regnar Forge
    1. Sonya2017 December 28 11:49
      Link please
      1. John2017 December 31 01:33

        What if I would like to donate assets, but would I be caught?
        Happy New year
        1. Sonya2017 December 31 09:45
          Everything will be OK!
          Happy New Year!
          1. John2018 January 1 11:33
            Sonya, is there a high chance this asset will be available soon to download? If so, may I please kindly have a estimate. And if I were to donate assets, where would i do that?
            1. Sonya2018 January 1 18:03
              Yes, he will be in the collection on our site after January 7.

              And if I were to donate assets, where would i do that?

              Just buy the premium from our files on the Hitfile or Nnitroflare.
  6. John2018 January 2 03:44

    Yes, I have premium. I get it you get paid for downloads.
  7. Edgars2018 March 15 20:06
    Wow. Thanks for the Voxel Terrain.
  8. ShadeTD2022 August 16 11:17
    part6.rar missing from hitfile, can you reupload please?
    1. Sonya2022 August 16 11:53
      Fixed - download one file now
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